Me:Yeah. But you’re you, and I’m nobody.
Scarlett:Stop. So not true.
Me:To them, I’m definitely a nobody.
Me:I don’t understand how being volun-told by his coach that I have to help him is somehow my fault.
Max:Definitely stop listening to whatever they are saying.
Argh. And I haven’t mentioned to Scarlett or Max the sexual undertones that Micah uses when he talks with me, or just how diligently Alora is sharpening her claws on my back. Or that I now have to deal with both of them as a spirit girl and a homecoming committee member.
Max:Should I have a conversation with Micah?
Max:Because I can if you want me to. He doesn’t scare me.
Max:You’re acting weird. What is it about him?
Max:Why does he have you all twisted up?
Me:It’s dumb. Don’t worry about it.
It’s so dumb, Micah doesn’t even remember. He has no idea that I’d wondered about him for close to seven years.