Page 70 of Chevelle

If someone tells you that your car

doesn’t need that much power,

stop talking to them. You don’t need that

kind of negativity in your life.

- Pinterest Meme

Twenty years later...

“Damn it, Chevelle, get her out of the driver’s seat.” Mercenary grumbles in my direction.

Nova giggles at her father’s frustrated shout, and I smile wickedly. “Go ahead, Nova; crank her over before your daddy catches us.”

“He’s going to be so pissed. You heard him last week when he said my first car wouldn’t be a race car.”

I shrug. “Your father knows damn well that I do what I want to. Now let’s hear how she purrs.” I also remember when he swore Nova wouldn’t go to prom either, yet she went to both her junior and senior proms. Or how he yelled the house down about her not being allowed to date, yet she did that too. He may huff and puff, but she has him wrapped around her finger.

I know what you’re thinking, and no, we didn’t teach her how to drive in a race car. Mercenary would’ve stroked out and spanked my pussy until I couldn’t walk for a week if I had. However, with The Pit booming business wise, I had to treat my girl for her eighteenth birthday. I handed over the keys to my Chevy Nova, the car that her name originated from. Our daughter’s about to graduate next month, and she’s already been accepted into Baylor to study psychology, so she’s earned it.

“That is so not fair, Daddy! Why does Nova get a car and I don’t?” Our sixteen-year-old daughter shouts and runs to catch up with Merc as he storms in our direction.

My eyes meet Novas, excitement sparking in our matching irises. “Shit. Shelby’s with Dad. You better drive this beast, baby girl.”

With a calming breath, Nova puts the car into gear and then peels out as she slams on the gas.

Nova’s definitely my daughter, one hundred percent. She doesn’t get that lead foot from cupcake. Not that he’s given me a chance to ever race him, the bastard. I think he’s too chicken to get beat by his woman, but he swears it’s because he doesn’t want to see me lose to him. And we all know the stubborn man would never throw the race, even if it came to me. Not that I’d want him to. I’m perfectly capable of winning on my own.

“Where’s Hemi?” I ask over the rumbling engine and stereo.

“Last I saw him he was talking to some girl on his cell.”

I’m pretty certain Nova’s twin brother’s going to be hitting me up for a car next, or worse, asking Mercenary for a damn Harley.

“Who? Do you know her?”

She shrugs. “The last thing I want to overhear is his phone sex conversations.”

“Ugh, Nova! That’s my son!”

“He’s my brother, I feel the same way.” She makes a quick bleh face at me before concentrating on the road again.

Jesus, when did these kids grow up?I blinked, and they were no longer my babies but young adults.

We lasted two years before I threw the birth control out the window and demanded my stud give me a baby. The club was in a good place with possible enemies, and I had an abundance of his attention. I grew up alone nearly my entire youth. I wanted family and a lot of it.

What are the odds we’d get pregnant with twins on the first go? I was absolutely terrified when we found out. I had no parents, so how could I be a decent mother? Especially to two crying, pooping babies at the same time? Thankfully Mercenary’s mother and father stepped in to offer advice and a compassionate ear to listen when we were feeling overwhelmed.

Being first time parents wasn’t easy by any means but loving the twins and each other was effortless. Having Mercenary around all the time to demand random sex and spoil me, definitely helped get us through the rougher times. It seemed like once we finally caught our stride with the twins, that Shelby decided to surprise us. She’s completely rotten too, every bit of the sixteen-year-old princess, but I’d have her no other way. I never had that freedom to be carefree, and I relish in seeing her so innocent and happy in life.

Hemi is another story all together. He’s so much like his father it drives me crazy some days. I thought men grew into the broodiness, but hell no, that’s not true. I have a broody-ass eighteen-year-old alpha who thinks he’s God’s gift to women. Hemi seems to believe that he has a chance with any female under the age of thirty, and cupcake eggs him on without a thought. Betty, Mercenary’s mom, tells me that he was the exact same way at that age too.

And I’m in love—complete mind-blowing, soul shattering, heartwarming love with my ol’ man. If I could go back and do it all over again, would I flip him like I did? Damn right. The stubborn biker needed to know he’d met his match, and I’m pretty sure that move hooked him from the start. He’s been good to me all this time. I couldn’t ask for a better man in my life. He loves me as if every day is his last and he’s been a damn good father to our children.

With them, I’ll grow old feeling loved, knowing what it is to love, and never be alone again.

“I thought Nova wasn’t getting a race car, Daddy?” Shelby’s bottom lip trembles as she stares at me with a look like I killed a kitten.