Page 78 of Daydream

“Th-thank you.” My reply comes out quietly, damn near sounding like a choke, all too aware of everyone’s attention. I’ll probably never be able to have lunch here again after this. That means a farther walk and less time to eat, thanks to me not listening to my friend and not keeping my thoughts and noises to myself.

His fingers slip away, his demeanor radiating disappointment from me not looking at him. He wanted me to challenge him. I know it. I also know when to tuck my tail and shut up. He didn’t deserve my bitchiness.

Kaleigh said to be respectful. That should mean me not meeting his stare, right? It’s hard to think at all—about anything—with him so near, the only thing on my mind is his smell and how fast my heart is beating. I’m surprised you can’t hear the rapid thrum as the organ thunders away under my breast.

Men don’t just randomly come up and touch me, and in that spot? It was a more of a caress. That alone says so much about him. My friend’s right;he’s different.

Most guys would touch your shoulder or place their hand a little too close to your breast or even your ass. However, he chose two fingers, right under my chin. He wanted me to meet his gaze like earlier, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Having him near, snuffed out my bravado and scattered my thoughts, not an easy feat when it comes to me.

God, he smells so fucking good too, like rain mixed with alpha male. Pheromones such as those should be bottled up and sold. I’d dump that shit all over my pillow at night. How can you possibly think when a man smells like that?

He’s remains standing beside me for a moment longer, almost as if he wants to say something else, but refrains. I wish he wouldn’t have held back. I wanted him to speak some more, even if it was merely to tell me to fuck off. I want to hear that voice again so I can commit it to memory, along with those furious golden irises.

The door chimes, and this time when I look up, he and the other men have left.

The restaurant buzzes with excited chatter in the aftermath, as if they can’t stand to remain quiet a moment more. Kaleigh just stares at me like I’m a glitter-covered unicorn giving out free donuts that she’s never seen before or something.

A Styrofoam cup with a lid secured and a new straw is placed down in front of me. “Ma-ma’am,” the server interrupts nervously. “Anything else? A piece of Tiramisu or a cappuccino, maybe?”

She wasn’t so friendly before. Not that we minded anyhow; we’re used to her since we eat here a few times a week. You’d think she’d know us by name by now, but like I said, she’s not that kind to us usually.

“No thanks. Just our bills please, separate if you don’t mind.”

“It’s been taken care of, along with anything else you’d like.”

“So, if I wanted to stay all afternoon, sitting around, drinking your most expensive liquor, I wouldn’t get a bill?”

She shakes her head, black hair secured in a tight ponytail. “No. You wouldn’t get a tab for the rest of the week either.”

“Whoa, what do you mean, exactly?”

“I was instructed that your bill is paid, and that if you returned again this week, then it would be taken care of as well.”

“You’re kidding?”

“No ma’am, not even a little.”

“Wow—” I should get a bottle of wine or something to take with me.

Kaleigh interrupts, “Well, thank you. We should go then.”

“Right, I have to get back too.” I agree with her and the server walks off without another word.

Collecting our things, we head out the door. I don’t know what to say. I have a million questions running through my mind now, and it’s all a bit overwhelming, rendering me speechless.

“Maybe we should get you a cab back to your office,” my friend suggests, making me pause.

“It’s gorgeous out here; I’ll save the fare and walk. You should too.”

“Look Grace, I’ll be frank. Those aren’t the type of people whose radar you want to be on. You need to be careful. My God,” she mutters quietly, closing her eyes for a moment, her hand going to her forehead as if she still can’t believe it. “Hespoketo you.”

“And? He’s just another guy. A gorgeous one at that, but he was in the flesh, you said so yourself. You act like you’ve seen a freaking ghost or something. He wasn’t rude and just bought us lunch. Maybe he’s not so evil.”

“No, you don’t get it. He doesn’t do that sort of thing. The Joker doesn’t pay for people’s meals or act like they even exist, but today he calls you beautiful and then pays for your food for an entire week. I’m scared just from being at the same table with you.”

“You’ve never had a man buy you a meal before? And how do you know so much about him?”

“Of course I’ve been taken out to dinner, but never by someone like that. I don’t know too much, honestly. But there are stories and I’ve heard my fair share of them. Please listen to me, Grace, just this once, and be careful—at least for a while.”