Page 76 of Daydream

I am, after all, just like my dad, and life’s nothing but a daydream.

Thank you for reading Daydream! I really hope you enjoyed Nightmare and Bethany’s story. Many of you sent me messages asking me for more from them. I hope this satisfied that craving and has made you excited for the next.

Yes, there will be more; you can never have too many bikers! I’m working on Saint and Sinner next and can’t wait to unleash their brand of crazy on you all.

Once again, thank you. Your support means more than you know! If you enjoyed this book, please take a moment to leave a review. It can be short and sweet, every bit helps.

XOXO- Sapphire

Here’s a glance at my standalone novel, Gangster. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1

A fish with his mouth closed,

never gets caught.

- Tony Accardo


I snort a little watching Kaleigh cough after she downs her shot of tequila. She doesn’t drink much, especially at lunchtime, but I dared her and she went for it. Exactly why she’s my best friend; she lets me corrupt her just a smidge to keep me entertained, and in return, she lives a life that’s slightly more exciting than one without me in it.

“That was gross.” Her nose scrunches, making my mouth turn up in an amused grin.

We’re in our usual lunch spot—Moricio’s Italian Cuisine. It’s not too fancy and small, but they make food quick enough to eat for a lunch break and it tastes fantastic.

“It’s not bad after you have three or so.”

“No way. You said one.”

“I know. You have to work and I’m not going to carry you back to your cubicle.”

“Gee thanks, you’re so thoughtful.”

“Hey, the burn from the tequila will keep you warm on the walk back. You’ll be thanking me later.”

“If I’m not puking,” she mumbles, sipping her Coke to chase the tingle the tequila left behind.

My lips part, about to reply something snarky about her being too tame, when the small ‘ding’ from the bell above the door announces the arrival of a new customer. We both glance over, my eyes growing wide at the eye candy that just entered.

“Yum,” slips free and I swear Kaleigh makes a choking sound.

“Ho-lyfuck.” The swear word comes out as barely a whisper. If I weren’t sitting directly across from her, I’d had never heard it. “Shhh!”

“Oh please, look at him,” I reply, gesturing my hand towards the man. He commands attention, mine included.

Everyone in the restaurant grows quiet, staring at him standing in the doorway. Four men with his stature and larger enter next, coming to stand behind him. Their presence radiates power, bringing naughty thoughts to mind. I’m not sure of how much work I’d get done at the office if I had to work around men looking like that.

I bet they’re lawyers with enough money to purchase the decent suits they’re sporting with lonely, unmarried lives so they hit up the gym every morning to sculpt those impressive bodies. They’ve most likely won a few cases, forming that cocky, dominant attitude they wear on their faces. I’d do them. Well not all of them, but the first one I saw. His demeanor portrays him as the alpha of the group and that’s just plain sexy.

Whispering again, Kaleigh leans in closer, “Do you have any idea who that is? And stay quiet, be respectful.”

“No clue, and I’m always respectful; it’s not like he’s the Godfather.” My eyes roll at her dramatics, waving her off. I’m a little put off that she feels the need to scold me in the first place. Like my comments are so bad; men are ten times worse when they see an attractive woman.

A strangled noise comes from her throat, making me wonder if maybe she shouldn’t have had that tequila after all. I think I’ll order one for myself before heading back to work. I’d ask hot stuff up at the front to throw one back with me, but I doubt he’d take the stick out of his ass long enough to have some fun. He shouts all work and no play, hence the money to pay for that suit, no doubt.

“That,” she whispers intensely, cocking her head toward the man in question, “is Thaddaeus Morelli.”