Page 74 of Daydream

“Christ, woman.”

“I love you, Night.”

“I love you, Day,” I mutter against her mouth, kissing her passionately with her delicious taste coating my tongue.

It’s true, I love her with everything I am, and she’s truly the light to my dark, the day to my night, the dreams I’ve always wanted but have never had.

She knew she loved him when

‘home’ went from being a

place to being a person.

-E. Leventhal

“I know it’s been a few months now and things have been quiet, but do you think we’ll ever get to kill Puppet for what he did to Maverick?” I stare at Nightmare, curious.

Since making me his ol’ lady last month, he’s been pretty open with me when I ask him things about the club. Sure, some things he keeps to himself, but it’s usually just the business stuff. I don’t need to or want to know about any of that anyhow.

“Trust me, B; I will always have a target on that motherfucker’s head. Twist is keeping him alive right now because of Cyle. He doesn’t want to have any retaliation harm his family, which I get. But mark my words, dollface, if we ever have the chance, that fucker will be dead before he can blink.”

I smile. It’s a bit twisted I know, but I have a rage festering so crazy inside to kill the man who stole my son from me, it’s insane. I’m not a hateful person, I’ve always been more peaceful, and the can’t-everyone-get-along type.

Something inside you changes when you’re a mother and your flesh and blood gets stolen from you. I was beaten and Maverick was forcibly removed from my hands. I’ll never forget that experience or the terror he had in his brown irises as they carried him away from me.

Nightmare rarely lets us out of his sight unless he has to go away on business. I know he’ll do everything in his power to always keep us safe. He got me a new switchblade, too, and I always carry that sucker everywhere I go. He’s taught me how to shoot a gun, and, with practice, I’m getting better.

It all sounds so violent and scary, but it’s not. He’s teaching me how to protect and defend my family; for that I will forever be grateful to him. I hope I never have to use any of the skills he’s taught me, unless the day comes where I can teach Puppet a lesson.

“I hate knowing he’s out there,” I admit, and his eyes grow distant. He feels the same way. I can sense that in him—the feeling of unfinished business.

“I have a suspicion we’ll be seeing more of the Iron Fists in the future. They’re like roaches, coming up through the cracks. Besides, Spider won’t stop looking for any information we can get on them. We ever lock down a confirmed location and have a way, we will kill them. This, I promise you, dollface.”

Shuddering, I wrap my arms around his waist and lean my head against his chest. “I love you, Night. I don’t think I ever said the words when we got Maverick, but thank you for getting our son back.”

“Daydream, I’ll fight until my last breath to keep you both safe—always

“I know. We’re lucky to have you.”

“Nah, baby, it’s me who’s the lucky one. I love you, too, Bethany.”

“So, what’s the plan now?”

“Well, the floors have been replaced. I even repainted the living room and hall at the house, so you guys can finally come home. I can’t believe it’s taken so long. I just had to make sure it was safe first.”

“I know. So we’ll be okay then?”

“Yeah, I also had Spider hook up some security features. We have some cameras and an automatic door lock. It locks as soon as the door closes on its own and you can only enter by using your thumbprint, so no jimmying the lock or getting a spare key to break in. I put the chain on the inside too, so no explorer Mav getting out.”

“Wow, that sounds high tech.”

“It is, but I have to know you’re protected when I’m not at home.”

“And here I thought you liked keeping us at the clubhouse.”

“I do, but too much shit goes on around here, I don’t want Maverick seeing it. Plus, I’m afraid one day Honey will piss you off enough that she’ll go to sleep and never wake up again. I did get you that new switchblade, and I know a few brothers whose dicks would be sad if that happened.”

“As long as none of those dicks belong to you, then I’ll let her keep breathing.” I wink and he chuckles.