Page 58 of Daydream

“Mr. Morelli, Cain…I’ll take you to see Viking.” She turns and leads the way, leaving no room for argument.

My hand is set free from his warmth, but Morelli’s eyes linger on me for a moment longer and then he’s gone.

My feet remain planted in the same spot as my nerves cool down. I’m going to go ahead and call that “The Thaddaeus Effect.” Holy shit, if I wasn’t so far gone for Nightmare, I’d probably follow that man around like a devoted groupie.

Taking my place, I glance around at the brothers. Every one of them from ours and Ares’ chapters is here, including Tate, the Boss off the Russkaya Mafiya, and Morelli, from the Chicago mob. It’s like a goddamn convention for criminals taking place. Rarely do you see this many of us in one spot at the same time and usually there’s either a big deal going down or cops involved if so.

“My woman was attacked today. This needs taken care of immediately,” I growl, and everyone’s stern gaze looks to me. I’m sure the majority of them have heard through the grapevine what went down, or, at least, the short and sweet version, but it needs to be brought up in front of everyone.

“Bethany, the woman I just met?” Morelli’s cold stare lands on me, and I send one straight back. He shouldn’t be speaking. He’s a guest here. Clearly no one told him to shut up before he entered our clubhouse.

“Yep, she belongs to me.”

“Noted.” He nods with a smirk on his face.

The fuckingJoker, huh. I’ll wipe that look clean off his mouth if he gives me a reason to, and I’ll do it fucking smiling the entire time too. Show him how bikers handle business.

“We’ll find them all, brother,” Ares growls, angry that pain has touched our club once again. He, of all people, knows how I feel. His ol’ lady, Avery, has been targeted in the past. So has Twists ol’ lady, Sadie, and Princess. It seems to be a favorite spot for our enemies to hit us—our women, our hearts. You’d think they’d steer clear, knowing that’s a line you don’t cross, but apparently, they’re fucking idiots.

“All of ‘em dead this time,” Twist mutters, his fingers tapping in some random rhythm.

I’ve heard he plays guitar, and he’s damn good, too. I find myself tapping out beats all the time as well. It must be a musician thing. I could use some music therapy right about now. Beating on some drums would help me get some of this energy out, that’s for sure. Or a good fight. I’d take either.

“Why are you here, Thaddaeus?” Ares brings up the question we’re all sitting around wondering as well. “Cain said you had business to discuss?”

“It can wait until after this other matter.”

“No, go ahead,” Ares orders.

“As you know, my uncle is in charge of Chicago; he runs everything with the Italians.”

The majority of us are well aware of who he and his family is, so we nod and he continues.

“I want you to clean house for me. In return, I’ll take over his territory and offer you the area you’ve been wanting.”

“Shit,” Ares mutters and takes a large gulp from his water bottle.

“Fuck.” Viking sighs. “So you expect us to go in and do your dirty work and you’ll give us a Chicago charter in return? How does this benefit us? We’ll lose half our club cleaning out the mobsters up there.”

“Right. In return you get your colors in my state.”

“Who’s to say you wouldn’t turn on us, sell us out, and have your mob buddies come after us after we ‘clean house’ as you put it. As you can see, we’re already dealin’ with our own shit.”

“I’m not a rat, and I’m loyal. I’m doing this because the man wronged me; otherwise. I’d never cross him. It’s time I take back what was mine to begin with.”

“Why would we encroach on mob territory like that? We run weapons, we deal. You guys already have your system up there.”

“Right. I run all the shipping and such, meaning I could offer you a partnership in that aspect. Like I said, some things have come to light, and it’s time he was dealt with.”

“Break it down a little blunter for us Southern folk,” 2 Piece interrupts.

“You run weapons for the mob like you do the Russians.” His gaze flicks to Tate’s and we all hold our breath briefly, waiting to see if we’re about to have a mob war on our hands next.

After a tense moment, Tate shrugs. “We are eastern-southeastern. I don’t see any conflict of interest with the Midwest, as long as you remain good on our deals we have in place. There are more of you now; I’d be an idiot to expect you to not work with others.”

Viking rubs his temples, then nods at Morelli. “We’ll discuss it and then vote. It’s club business so everyone has to agree. We’ll be in touch with what we decide.”

“Good. I look forward to speaking with you soon.” He stands, as does Ares and Viking. He shows them respect by shaking each of their hands and then Cain shows him back out. Cain being so close to Ares is the only reason Thaddaeus Morelli was allowed in here and heard out in the first place.