Page 43 of Daydream

“Mmmhmm.” I lean against the bar, watching the brothers around the room, chatting, laughing, and drinking. London asked if Maverick could have a happy meal and a playdate with her daughter. Of course, I agreed, so here I am, having my own playdate.

Some twat walks by Nightmare, running her hand over his chest, saying something in his ear. He shakes his head and moves her hand off.

I smirk, my gaze shooting to Prissy. “Who’s the hood rat?” I nod and she groans.

“Ugh, it’s Honey. She’s a club slut. She’s been after Nightmare and Viking since she first showed up. I already put her in her place with Vike. Looks like you need to do the same.”

“Why should I care? If he wants that, maybe he’ll forget about me.”

“Well, because that’s Nightmare, Bethany. Wake up, sweet cheeks. You may be pissed at him, but that’s your baby daddy. You don’t want some club whore sniffing around him, even if he does brush her off.”

“Seriously, he’s a big boy; he can tell her no. He’s never needed me to stand up for him, and he doesn’t now.”

“B, I’m telling you, don’t let it fester. It’ll drive you crazy to see her hit on him every single time you’re here at the same time he is. You guys have a fresh start; she’s just a dirty vagina trying to screw that chance up.”

I snort at her description and a few brothers glance at us. Blaze winks, and I grin. Finishing off my drink, I ponder over what Princess says. I know she’d never lead me astray; she always has my best interests at heart, so I take her words seriously.

“Ready then?” I smile mischievously, and her concern turns to a smirk full of trouble. She knows me too well.


Heading straight for Nightmare, I garner the brother’s attention as I pass by. Everyone’s curious to see what I’m going to tell Nightmare. I think they’re all wanting to witness some drama, and I’m about to give it to them.

Nightmare remains seated as I approach, tilting his head up to me. Bending before he can react, I place my hands on each of his cheeks and press my lips to his. He’s a moody fucker, so I know the women around here don’t have the balls to take control when it comes to him.

His palm warms my thigh as it pulls me closer, and the kiss turns from me showing off to something full of lust. Breaking free after a moment, I pant against his lips, wet from my own mouth sucking on them. “Wow,” I whisper and blink, remembering my initial purpose. Backing away, I nearly misstep from the kiss that put me in a daze, quickly righting myself.

Honey glares, and I can’t help but smirk. At Honey’s huff, I pull my arm back and punch her right in her eye. She stumbles backward, clutching her face as a scream of pain breaks free.

“Mine.” I declare sternly, turning on my heel and making my way back to my spot next to a giggling Princess. Viking appears impressed, and Nightmare, completely shocked. The other guy’s chuckle, amused at my antics, and Odin helps the whore to the bathroom.

“Better?” I mutter and finish off my mixed drink.

“Hell yeah, glad to see you’re still the crazy woman I love.”

“Shit, baby girl, you just opened up a whole new can of complicated.” Blaze shakes his head, in his usual place behind the bar.

“Damn, I thought that’s how bikers communicated? Don’t you beat on your chests and punch people?”

He snickers. “You’re trouble, you know that?”

“I may have been called that a few times in the past.”

Princess leans over “Uh, no, she’s crazy, Blaze; don’t get it twisted. She always has been, and that right there proves she’s still the same wild woman I grew up with.”

“Hey, I’ve toned it down a lot, thank you very much.”

“Maybe around your kid, but not when it’s you and me. No way sister, I see you trying to break free. The good news, B, is that these guys here are even crazier. You fit in here like a lost puzzle piece, just you wait and see.”

“If you say so,” I sigh.

I haven’t really fit in anywhere, ever. I became the crazy party girl prior to getting pregnant, so I could drown out my lack of everything and not care about anything else. That’s why Princess and I became so close; she was different like me, her family belonging to a biker club and all.

“Another one?” Blaze grabs my empty glass, and I nod.

Why not? Maverick does have two parents now. I think I’ve earned that extra drink.

“Fuck was that?” Viking grumbles after Bethany walks off. He’s attempting to act serious when I know he’s most likely busting up inside over this.