Page 35 of Daydream

“I know, Prissy; I know. Nightmare was coming back up here this weekend, but maybe I’ll see if I can take it off and go there instead. He saved me a lot of money being here last weekend to hang out with Mav while I worked.”

“See, Nightmare being in your life could be good in multiple ways.”

“I know, I keep reminding myself of the benefits. It’s still hard to be around him, and even more so, now that he hates me.”

“He doesn’t hate you, Bethany.”

“Oh no, believe me, he does. He sat right across from me at a table and told me he’d like to peel my skin from my flesh. Pretty sure that equals hate.”

She chuckles, and I huff.

“He has it so bad for you.”

“Yeah, like the man may kill me in my sleep one night.”

“No as in he was all over you to get in your pants again, and now he’s threatening you with bodily harm. He knows you’re the mother of his child. He fucking wants you.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not going to make any bets or hold my breath on it.”

“Oh yeah, what was that bet you made me when this whole thing started? Oh no, it wasn’t a bet…but I remember your words.” She laughs, then in a snooty tone, pretends to mock me. “’Fine, but I’m not fucking any of them’.” She bursts out laughing like a hyena. “So busted. We have DNA proof you’re full of shit.”

“You’re such a bitch, Prissy.”

She laughs again, at my expense, and I laugh, too. I’m just happy the guilt trip for not telling her about Night is letting up.

“I am, but you still love me.”

“Ugh, God knows why, but I do.”

“Good. I love you, too. Now let me know if you can come this weekend. I’m sure Nightmare will have you staying at his house; but if not, you can stay at mine.”

“There’s no way I’m staying with him. I want to keep my skin, thank you.”

“You’ll have to fight withhimabout that, but anyway, let me know.”

“I will.”

“Okay, byeeeeee.”

“Bye.” I hang up, rolling my eyes. I am happy that we ended the call on a good note, though. It’s hard when your best friend is upset with you.

It’s also time I start planning Maverick’s birthday party. Usually Princess would come to visit, and I’d make a cake for him, but I have a feeling Nightmare will want to be involved this time around.

Each day that passes, I continue with the daily texts. I always send a new picture of Maverick and let Nightmare know of anything significant. Usually, it’s just a small message from Mav. Today’s was: Maverick wants to know if you like meatballs and with sauce or no sauce?

Random, I know, but I’m hoping it makes Nightmare feel a little closer to his son. Maverick thinks it’s neat, too, and has started helping me pick out which picture to send. Nightmare could think it’s stupid for all I know, but, as a parent, pictures mean something.

At least they do to me. It’s like little perfect moments frozen in time that you can look back on and remember. I could be having a rough day and look at Mav surrounded in bubbles, and no matter how blue I am, it makes me smile. I’m crossing my fingers that they do the same when I send Nightmare his daily text from us.

My phone beeps.

Nightmare: Yes and yes. Tell him I’ll see him tomorrow and I’m teaching him to play my drum set. Be safe driving.

Me: I will.

He argued with me about us staying with Princess. I knew he would, but I still had to try. It’s awkward enough, but at least staying with Princess would provide some sort of barrier.

I’m going to pick up groceries before we leave so I can cook dinner tomorrow night. I think it’ll be a good way to break the ice. I think when it boils down to it, it’s the small things that really matter. Dinner may seem like nothing to some, but Nightmare and Maverick haven’t gotten the chance to sit down at dinner together. Last weekend was the first time, and while I can’t make up for everything Night has missed, this is one small thing I can give them both.