Page 54 of Daydream

Chaos: Will do.

Me: I’ll meet you there shortly.

Chaos: No problem.

“Come on baby, grab Maverick. I’ll get the dog and your bags. Chaos and Spider are on their way.”

“Will they be okay with...” She points to the other room, and I chuckle. If she only knew just how okay any of the brothers would be, she may lose her shit.

“Yeah, they’ll be straight. They’ll help me clean up and put the new floor in.”

“Okay, make sure you order pizza or something for them.”

I chuckle again, shaking my head. There’s a dead body in the other room and she’s worried about feeding company. And it’s not normal company either; these are my brothers who are coming over to help me dispose of a body.

She’s definitely a keeper.

We load up, and in no time we’re on our way to the club. I can’t stop thinking that one of the best decisions I ever made was giving my woman a knife.

I love the 3 am version of people.

Vulnerable. Honest. Real.

“Wait, how did he get into the house? Was he waiting behind you or something?” Princess gapes, asking me a zillion questions about what just went down with Shadow.

“Not exactly. When I first got home, my hands were full, and I was too busy worrying about putting the puppy outside that I didn’t lock the door behind me. We let the dog out, came back inside, and Shadow was there waiting for us.”

“Fucking creepy.” She shudders.

“I know, Prissy, trust me. I wanted to freak out so badly, but was trying to keep it together in front of Maverick.”

“You were so lucky Nightmare came home earlier than expected. Who knows what could’ve happened to you guys if he’d been running late.”

“I know, I was thinking the same thing. Luckily, he had to pick up his bike from Spin and was close to the house so decided to come home. To think, if I’d never slashed his motorcycle up, there’s a chance we could be dead right now.”

“Well, your temper definitely paid off this time. I’m so glad you all are all right.”

“God, me too, lady. I hope this isn’t something Maverick will remember as he gets older. Nightmare literally slashed the guy’s throat in the middle of the living room. With the blood everywhere and Shadow shooting Night in the shoulder, it was gruesome and scary. I can only imagine how he must be feeling right now.”

“I know what you mean, babe; the stuff that went down with me in the bar a few years back was pretty crazy, too. We’re lucky to have strong men in our lives.”

I nod. It’s true. If it’d been some “Joe Schmo” down the road, he’d have pissed his pants in fear—not killed the guy. I always believed Nightmare was sort of a badass, but he’s really one bad mamma jamma. I witnessed him kick ass with my own two eyes.

“I’m sure Maverick will replace those images of his dad. He’s so small now; hopefully, he’ll believe it was a dream or something.”

“Fingers crossed,” I mumble, thinking about how young I was when my dad began hurting me. I have my own demons and know just how daunting dreams can be inflicted by true events.

“Viking flipped his shit when he got Night’s text. He had Odin and Torch come get me from the house in case anyone was lurking around the property. When something like this goes down, it usually happens in more than one place, sort of like a distraction. The club is livid. They’ll find these guys.”

“Good. Is it bad that I hope they seriously hurt them or even kill them? I feel so guilty saying that, but after meeting Shadow…well, I have to think of my own family.”

“No, I agree with you. And to be honest, they won’t be turning up again after the club finds them. A threat to family is like a cardinal rule when it comes to these guys. Took me being the Prez’s ol’ lady to realize that and how important we were to my own father growing up. I really had no clue just how much the club protects its own.”

“But we don’t belong to the club. I’m not Nightmare’s ol’ lady.”

“No, maybe not, but you are his family. Maverick is his son and you mean something to him. That means a lot to the brothers.”

“Do I, though?”