Page 64 of Princess

The night passes in a blur; Viking’s introduced me to so many people. Blaze and Torch actually smiled at me; I thought their faces were going to crack or something. I think my favorites are still the Nomads. I got used to their banter and rough exteriors. Plus, I know they truly have Viking’s back, and that’s important to me.

God, I wanted so badly to rip Nightmare a new one, but know that I can’t. He’s Bethany’s baby’s dad, and she needs to fight that battle when she’s ready. I’ll always support her decisions even if I don’t agree with them.

However, I was a little taken back though when he was talking to me like nothing was different. Nightmare has to know I’d be pissed at him on my best friend’s behalf. Once he said hello and started telling me that Viking had to patch him up on their run, I just walked off in the middle of him talking. He’s Vike’s brother, not mine.

I met the Oath Keepers Ol’ Ladies, which was interesting. They all have big personalities, and you can tell they love their own type of sisterhood that they’ve formed. I was nervous, but Ares and 2 Piece’s Ol’ Lady, Avery, walked right up to me and started talking like she’d known me for years. I couldn’t believe it when she told me she had two Ol’ Men; I wasn’t sure if I should feel bad for the woman or congratulate her.

There was also a rumor floating around that my dad may pass the gavel to his VP, who happens to be Ares. I was freaking shocked, and now I do want to speak to him. The only part of the night I’d take back if I could, would be catching Odin with an Oath Keeper’s little sister bent over the trunk of my damn car.

Pretty sure that it was Spin’s little sister too, but I’m pretending like I didn’t see a thing. Maybe Oath Keeper women will end up falling for Widow Maker men, who knows. I did warn Vike, though, and he had a ‘talk’ with Odin. The kid was mortified, but it was hilarious and the least he deserved. I don’t think he understands what kind of hell he can stir up for himself messing with a biker’s little sister.

After this brief time, I’m starting to see why my mom loved this life in so many ways; I can understand why it made her so happy with my father. Bikers don’t just love you; they obsess over you. With that fierce love, comes a protection like no other, willing to kill for their women at a drop of a hat. Getting together didn’t make me feel uncomfortable or out of place like I imagined it would. I felt like I was finally home and surrounded by family. I was hugged and welcomed, complimented on my food and asked to come back.

If this is club life, no wonder my father loves it, because I do too.


The following day…

Yesterday I met withPrez and my Nomad brothers. I wanted everyone’s opinion on my ideas to merge the club over. They were a little hesitant at first, but once I explained all of it out in detail, they were much more open then I’d expected.

There was a vote, and I was named the new President of a hybrid Charter. Prez said he’d contact the other Charters to inform them of us and the decision. After being a part of the Oath Keepers, I know what types of men are in the MC, and I’m pretty honored to be a President affiliated with them.

Ares was in that meeting and surprisingly he approved of the plans.

I also found out about the run to Mexico we pulled since Exterminator was there. He said that he let the cop know about the maid and then hours later some mafia guys in suits showed up and took her. According to Ex, the Russians are on a massive manhunt for one of their sisters that were taken. The cop asked to use us in the future, and Ex agreed as long as there are no exotic animals involved.

I’m hoping with the time it’ll take to build our Compound and get everything set up that my Nomad brothers will trade their wanderer patch for one that says Texas. I can’t think of any better men to have in my club.

Nightmare showed up to the meeting. He thought Ex was bullshitting him about everything that was going down and he needed proof. It was pretty fuckin’ hard to watch him walk in using a cane. He claimed that once it’s healed, he won’t need it, but I was the one who saw the gash first, and I’d be surprised if he ever walked without it again. He was at the party but stayed sitting, so I had missed it.

Scot came too. He asked the brothers to approve his request to hand in his Nomad patch. He’s not planning on leaving Nancy anytime soon and asked to be a part of my hybrid crew. I was honored.

Being surrounded by my brothers made me realize just how lucky Odin is going to be. He not only has Princess fawning all over him, feeding him too much, but he’s going to learn the true meaning of brotherhood and loyalty.

Before I left yesterday, Prez pulled me to the side and requested I bring my woman to her mom’s house. I tried to let him know I wasn’t getting in the middle of their relationship shit, but he reassured me it’s because her mom needs to see her and that he wouldn’t cause trouble.

We’re headed to her house now, and I’m a tad bit nervous how she’ll take the news of Princess and me. Of course, I won’t care if she’s not welcoming, but I want this part of our relationship to be somewhat easy on my woman. She’s already dealt with way too much when it comes to me and our family drama.

“You straight, Cinderella?” I check as we dismount off my bike.

I’ve been asking her randomly ever since I found out how bad her anxiety can get. I never want to see my Ol’ Lady shut down like she did when my father had her. She admitted that it happened the first night we saw each other also with the attack. I guess she felt strong with me there beside her, but that once she was away from me her tears and shakes set in for a few hours.

“I’ll be fine; I’m just happy we’re finally getting a chance to visit, and you’re meeting her.”

“Me too, baby.” I place a swift peck on her lips and follow her up the pathway.

We climb the stairs to the porch, and she stops mid-stride. “The door’s painted,” she mutters softly.


Clearing her throat after a moment, she knocks on the front door. Pulling her hand to her chest, she rubs her knuckles with her fingertips. I don’t know what’s up with the sudden weirdness, but somethings gotten to her.

Her brother opens the door, stepping out of the way for us to enter. “P.” He greets her, then turns to me, “Viking.” He nods and I return it.

Prez comes into the dainty living room looking exhausted; he has dark bags under his eyes, and he’s dressed in plain clothes. You’d never guess that he’s the President of an MC, seeing him like this.

The couch has sheets, and a pillow pushed carelessly to the side and a half eaten grilled cheese sits on the coffee table in front of it. Princess notices and becomes annoyed, “Geez Brent, you need to clean up your crap. You’re too old to be making Mom do it. Did you move back in?”