Page 62 of Princess

“What the fuck? South Carolina already has an OK Chapter,” Smokey declares. Being an older member of the MC, I’m expecting a lot of fight from him.

“I know, which will give you three options. One, if this patch over happens, you will be given the option to leave. Two, you will have a place in the South Carolina Charter or pretty much any other location. I actually know the Prez down there, and he’s a good man. Three, I will step up and run my family’s club, but my Ol’ Lady’s life is here. As it turns out, my life is going to be here with her, so my chapter will be built in this area, and you will be offered a place in it. I won’t have the Compound in this exact place, but close. There’s many clubs in Austin, and they have a good relationship with the Oath Keepers.”

Torch sighs, “Well fuck, some of us can’t afford to just pick up and move our shit; I have a little girl to think about.”

“Actually, since there’s only a few of you, yes, you can. I’ll make sure you get here.”

“And where will we sleep, what will we eat? I wasn’t really getting by, and that’s with anything from the club and a part-time job.”

“I’ll look into purchasing land and start a build on a basic clubhouse. Singles can have a room there, but you’ll have to keep it clean. Anyone with a family or kids, we’ll get it figured out.”

Bronx interrupts, “I’m in; I don’t need to go back at all.”

Smokey takes a drag of his cigarette, rasping, “And where will this money come from exactly?”

“For the past five years, I’ve bought a new bike, food and stayed in occasional cheap-ass motels. I don’t have a lot, but I have enough to put a chunk down to get started. I’m gonna ask my Ol’ Lady’s father for input and help. The Oath Keepers are different from the Widows; they make some pretty damn good cheddar. It’ll be tough at first; I’m not going to lie, but I believe in a few years, shit will be really good.”

Blaze sits up. “I’m in.”

Smokey releases the toxic smoke from his lungs as he talks, “Why would you do this for us? You took off when Jekyll fucked you up and sent you on a stripe, never coming back.”

“Because that stripe saved my life, they took me in and showed me what brotherhood is. After experiencing it, I know everyone deserves it.”

He nods.

“That’s another thing, the Nomads. You saw them the other day, except for one. If this works, I’m inviting them to join the Chapter and just saying this up front; they’ll be full members and offered officer patches.”

A few grumble and it takes everything inside to tamper down my temper.

“That’s fine, you feel that way, but one saved my ass the other morning from a fucking lion. How many of you know of a brother that has your six like that? I’ve never met a more loyal, fearless group of men before. Do not underestimate any of them, ever.”

Bronx rolls his eyes, but he’ll learn when Ex beats the hell out of him for that shit.

“We’re all invited to their barbecue later, and I think it would be in our best interest to go and make friends. The Prez offered to let you stay in their guest rooms if needed. I know a few of the members from handling a job with them and stopping through on runs. You can relax around them and have a beer; they won’t try to kill you in your sleep. You’ll get a good look at the Oath Keeper life.” They stay silent, so I figure it’s time to call it to an end. “Anyone have anything to add?”

Torch nods. “We’re in.”

Smokey follows. “Yup, me too. Been wanting to get outta SC for years, just wasn’t able to.”

“Welcome to Texas, brothers.”

Rapping my knuckles against the table to note the end of the first church I’ve conducted, I’m wearing a smile when it’s over.


Having Odin ask mefor five grand in cash, had me a little skeptical, but being Viking’s brother, I figure I should give him a chance. I went to drop it off, and he climbed in the car asking if he could come back to the apartment with me instead of staying with his older brother. I ended up taking him with me grocery shopping to get a few things for the barbecue tonight, and we left with two hundred dollars’ worth of food.

To see him so excited over having that much food, kind of broke my heart a little. He shared with me that he never really went grocery shopping like that before. I guess he only visited the store for basic things that he could stretch out to last him a long time, like peanut butter and bread. Once I heard that I encouraged him to throw whatever he wanted into the cart. Viking had stuffed five hundred dollars in my purse a few days prior, making up for all the food I was cooking them, but I didn’t want to use it. If it’s for his brother, though, then I don’t mind.

Never in a million years would I have thought that he’s only fifteen. I knew he was young, but he’s weathered for his age, and that makes me so sad for him. My father sucked, but Odin grew up without love, like my Viking. And shit can he eat; my God, he clears his plate and eats anything else I load it with.

Viking had brought his stuff over to my apartment so Odin would be able to sleep on the couch and not be left alone. He’s worried that Odin may get pissed about something and just leave without letting us know. I was a little nervous about them being in my space twenty-four hours a day, but I love it. I didn’t realize before that I was so lonely all the time when Bethany wasn’t around.

I’ve loved having Viking talk to me a lot over the past few days and ask my opinions on everything. We’ve been trying to come up with a plan that would make us both happy. He’s so distraught about the fact that he has to leave the Nomads. They’re his family, people who get him and don’t judge. Now he’s being thrown into something he never wanted in the first place.

When he told me that he was going to stay here and be home a lot, I almost did cartwheels I was so excited about it. He wants to find a small two-bedroom house for us to rent, so he can give Odin some stability here, and I can’t blame him. After meeting Jekyll, Odin’s going to need every ounce of help and structure he can get. I’m young and know jack about teenagers, but I swore to Vike that I’d do my best and support him as much as I can.

My father and I haven’t spoken since our blowup, but I’ve been thinking a ton about what all he and my brother were saying. I was so upset that I didn’t pay much attention at the time it was all happening. Now, though, I’m growing curious.