Page 53 of Princess

“So fucked up,” he mutters.

“Yep. Now I gotta go save my bitch, ‘cause I have a good idea of what they’re doing to her and I have a plan.”

“What is it?” Exterminator questions.

“I’m going to kill my father, and then I’ll kill any other dumb motherfucker who steps in my way of saving my woman.”

He steps aside, and I storm out the door, striding purposefully toward the bar.

“We’re coming!” he calls from behind me.

“Give me twenty first and keep a look out for her,” I yell back as I see the first Widow posted up by the front door.

A young member slouching against the building jumps to his feet quickly as I near. He must be a recent patch since I’m not familiar with him. I know all the lifers and members dating five years back. Most could be dead by now, but I doubt it—shady fuckers.

The punk steps to the top of the stairs, crossing his arms like he’s king ding-a-ling. “Who are you?”

My steps don’t miss a beat as I hop up the few steps and shoulder check his ass, causing him to fly back a few feet, landing harshly against the old wooden porch.

“I’m your new fucking President.” Muttering, I pass him by and head inside the bar.

The sight I’m met with is sickening. My girl’s on the floor against the bar, hair in every direction, halfway undressed sobbing as my father and cousin, Blaze, taunt her. She’s got blood smeared over her tits and Butters’ greasy ass is smashing her phone under his boot.

My father’s in the middle of telling her how he’s about to tie her to the bar and fuck her in front of everyone when the men quiet with me storming inside like a freight train.

“Son!” Jekyll shouts jovially.

Such a fucked-up man.

My entire life was lived on the edge, because when you have a father like Jekyll, you never know what’s going to happen. One minute he’s laughing and the next he’s driving a knife into your stomach. Psycho is too tame of a word to fit him. He got his road name after Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. His father was proud of the fact he had a son that was off his fucking rocker.

I never use guns—ever. I’m strong enough of a man to kill with my two hands, but when I see Smokey’s Glock out on the table, I don’t hesitate and pick it up immediately, shooting my father in the head. Brain matter sprays behind him, and he falls like the dead weight he is.

One thing I’m learning about my woman is that I can’t handle shit when it comes to her. My normal way of thinking goes out the window, and I become obsessed with her.

Obsessed with being inside her. Obsessed with keeping her safe. Obsessed with making her mine. Just fucking obsessed.

“Cinderella!” I demand, loudly.

Her tearstained face finds mine, and she lights up.I love her. I will forever.

“Get the fuck outta here. We don’t have space for filthy fuckin’ sluts.” Nodding toward the door, I turn away to give her my back.

My younger brother stares at me in shock while my cousin Blaze comes toward me angrily. “You shot the Prez!” he accuses, and I cock my eyebrow at him, my nostrils flaring.

“Last I checked, yesterday was the fourth. That means this club belongs to me now.”

Glancing around, the brother’s nod, keeping their mouths shut. This is how it works. I’m in charge now, and they know that. I could have let my father live out a peaceful old life, but he would never have changed and seeing a drop of blood on my girl, he’s lucky his death was swift.

Her grief-stricken voice rings out, causing me to spin back. “You bastard!” she practically wails, heartbroken.

Her palm stings as she slaps me with everything she’s got. I don’t get an odd punch from her somewhere; I get her ‘in your face’ disappointment launched at me, and I’ll have to live with that moment for the rest of my life. If she only knew it was done because I want her to be happy and alive. I’ll make these men believe I want her gone if it means it’ll keep her safe.

A few of the brothers stride toward her, and I throw my hand up, halting them.

“Get the fuck out.” Growling down at her, I point toward the door.

Her eyes refill with tears; sorrow swimming in them so deep that I feel like my heart’s being cut out. In some ways I wish it were, I know it would hurt less than this moment. As she turns away, a noise close to thunder gets closer, and immediately I think of Widow Maker’s reinforcers showing up.