Page 33 of Princess

Peeling my thin tank top off, I free my breasts, putting them on display. Viking is a full-on tit man and after giving me so many orgasms, he deserves to be rewarded. He takes my shirt from me, tossing it away from the bike and plants his palm on the back of my neck, gripping it with just enough force to warn me that he can take back control anytime he wants it.

His other arm gets braced across the top of my butt so I can hold on to one of his biceps. In smooth, fluid movements, Viking rocks me, slowly, back and forth, entranced, as he watches me. My eyes roll heavenward as my clit grinds into him each time my hips fall forward, making me clench my pussy muscles inside, eagerly anticipating a possible fourth orgasm.

This started out with him wanting to teach me a lesson for teasing him with my tits, which I’d say he’s definitely accomplished. I’ll be rubbing my body against his, anywhere we go, if it means he’ll make me ride him and the bike at the same time again. I’m also curious now what make-up sex would be like if we were to really piss each other off somehow.

The claiming at the bar and then again later that night in the hotel was strictly Viking taking what he wanted. I get it, not that I understand it completely, but it did teach me right away not to expect anything average when it comes to this man. Bethany was right about one thing; I set the standard to a whole ‘nother level with him. However, I wasn’t expecting him to meet it and then raise mine as well. In the end, when the night was over, I had loved almost everything he’d done to me.

When I had time away and was able to start processing it all, I came to the conclusion that deep down, I believe he would have had me sooner or later whether I gave it up to him freely or not. It’s terrifying when I think of someone obsessed and violent toward me like that. On the flip side, it’s unbelievably empowering, knowing that he wants me badly enough to claim my mind, body, and freedom. To know that he’s mine so completely, that he’d kill for me.

Having Viking like this tonight covered in someone else’s blood—enraptured by me and my body—is different. At some point during everything, I surrendered myself and became his. He didn’t take me for a test drive; he signed the fucking contract and demanded I give him everything.

Right now, this very moment, he’s allowing me to ride his cock, on his motorcycle, while he wears his colors proudly. This is Viking surrendering tome. Tonight he’s showing me that not only am I his Ol’ Lady, but he’s my Ol’ Man.

And, for once, that doesn’t seem so fucking bad.

Three days later…

“When will you beback?” I mutter, watching as my Cinderella walks around the hotel room, collecting her things.

Tossing her lip gloss and brush in her purse, she shrugs. “I don’t know. I can’t keep calling into work, though; eventually, they’ll fire me.”

Doubtful. If they have any clue who her father is, she’ll still have a job waiting. I’m not going to complain, though; I’ve had her at the motel with me for three nights in a row. She met me at the bar on Thursday and hadn't left since. It’s Sunday now, so we’ve finally gotten some good time together.

“I got invited to a barbecue next Saturday. I want you with me.”

Princess sets her bag on the bed, coming to stand in front of me. “Is this the same one those guys in the black car were talking about?”

“Yeah.”Does she realize Cain and Spin belong to her father’s Charter? I should say something, but she’s the one who shoulda’ fessed up that Prez was her pops the same night we fucked.

“I may have to work,” she mumbles, glancing off to the side.

I know she’s lying through her teeth and fuck if it doesn’t make me want to hurt her for it. I hate feeling that way toward her, but I’ve cut men’s tongues out for the same shit in the past.

“Ol ’Ladies are going to be there; you need to be on the back of my bike if I decide to roll up with my brothers.”

Princess takes another step closer, her hands finding my hips as she presses her chest up against mine. “I’ll see what I can do, okay?”

“Make it work.” Grumbling, I graze my lips across hers in a peck. “Wanna have lunch before you take off?”

“Not today. I have to call my mom and Bethany as soon as I get home. We can during the week if you’re not busy?”

“I said the barbecue is Saturday, not that I wasn’t seeing you until then. I’ll give you a night or two.”

A beaming smile overtakes her mouth as she lets out a soft laugh. “You’re going to show up and break my door down again?”

“Maybe, if I feel like it.” My voice comes out raspy, as my lips brush against hers with each word.

“You’re such a tease.”

“Nah, I’m the real deal, sweetheart.” Winking, I back away so she can get out the door without me taking her to bed for the second time this morning.

“So I should expect you Monday-ish?”

“Just expect me to be around anytime.”

“You’re really not going to give me twenty-four hours, are you?”

“You sayin’ that like it’s a bad thing. I thought bitches liked it when their man’s up their shit twenty-four-seven?”