Page 96 of Truth or Dare

“Tell me you have a location?” I heard him ask whoever was at the door.

“Water plant.” The voice faded into a low rumble, but it was enough for me. I ran out into the hallway, straight toward the two men. Their heads snapped up at the sight of me, and Mr. Torrence said, “Evan, this is Mac. He’s here to help.”

But I was done waiting.

Becca was at the water plant, and I would find her.

I walked straight past them both, ignoring their pleas as I jogged to the Impala and climbed inside. It would take fifteen minutes to get there, ten if I stepped on the gas.

But all I could think was, what if I was already too late?



Kane cradledmy face gently in his hands, feathering my skin with kisses. Tender and soft, his touch made my skin crawl.

“Kane.” I tried again to appeal to his rational side, the part of him that had pulled me under his spell all those months ago.

“Just let me love you,” he whispered.

His voice changed as if more than one person was inside him. Gentle Kane. Mean Kane. Vulnerable Kane. Angry Kane. It was unnerving.

His hands moved down, taking in the curves of my body and skating over my shoulders and along my waist to come to rest on my thighs. “God, you feel so good.”

“No, no,” I whimpered. “Please, don’t do this.” Memories of that night rushed to the surface, and I clamped my eyes tight.

Kane ripped himself away from me, his face contorting with anguish. “You don’t want this? You don’t want me to make you feel good?”

“Stop, please.” I didn’t want to anger him further, but I couldn’t just sit here and let him do this to me. I wouldn’t. “People will be looking for me. My dad, he’ll—”

A loud crack sounded as my head snapped back and pain exploded across my cheekbone. “Don’t fucking talk to me about him.Nevertalk to me about him. He took you from me. They’re always taking. Always stealing things that don’t belong to them.”

When I’d first met Kane, he seemed like a well-put-together guy. He worked hard and enjoyed partying. Sure, he was older, but he blended with our crowd with ease. The Rosens often invited him to join their parties as a guest because he fitted in so well. But as time went on, I realized it was all a show. Because underneath the devastatingly handsome bad boy exterior was a deeply troubled guy.

“I’m sorry, baby,” he soothed. “I just get so fucking mad thinking about it. Come here.” Kane wrapped me into his arms, stroking my damp hair as I sobbed into his hoodie.

“You have to let me go, Kane. Please, just let me go.”

His grip tightened, long fingers digging into my scalp. “Never,” he growled. “You’re mine, Becca. I’m not losing you again.”

We sat there on the dank floor for what felt like forever. Kane relaxed, shifting against the wall and pulling me into his lap. He held me like a mother might cradle her child, while a million thoughts raced through my head.

Where were we?

Was anyone looking for me?

How long had I been gone?

My face burned where his hand had connected with my cheekbone, and I knew if I caught my reflection in a mirror, a bruise would be forming.

I didn’t fight his touch. I didn’t move, too scared of the repercussions. At least like this, he wasn’t hurting me or trying to take things from me that I didn’t want to surrender. At some point, his breathing leveled out, growing shallow. Kane had fallen asleep. My eyes searched frantically for anything that might help me escape this nightmare, but it was futile.

The silence stretched out before us. Only Kane’s steady breath and thedrip, drip, dripof water penetrated the quiet.

Located on the edge of town was an old water plant. Dad had pointed it out when we’d first arrived. Maybe we were there under the derelict facility in one of the sewer tunnels. But it didn’t feel airy. It felt small, like a holding cell, and since I couldn’t see farther than the shadows cast by the small lamp on the floor, it was impossible to tell.

Kane mumbled something, his fingers biting into my skin. My body tensed, prepared for him to wake. I didn’t want to think about him, about the things he might be dreaming, but I couldn’t help it. In a strange way, we were bound. He’d tried to hurt me, and Ihadhurt him.