Page 93 of Truth or Dare

“They thought they could keep you from me, but your daddy brought you right home for me. It was meant to be, baby. Written in the fucking stars.”

Brought you right home?Did he mean… No. He couldn’t. It made no sense. He was confused, experiencing a break from reality. Nothing about this made sense. How had he found me? How had he gotten here?

“I’m cold,” I said, trying to appeal to his kinder side.

Kane was a complicated guy. I’d learned that quickly. All the different facets of his personality were what made him desirable. He was sweet and sensuous one minute, bossy and dominating the next. He was like the best parts of a sweet guy and bad boy all rolled into one. And I’d fallen for it hook, line, and sinker.

But as the weeks passed, I’d seen a different side of him. His sweetness became an infatuation. His dominance, overbearing. Until he forced himself into parts of my life that were never supposed to be his.

“Here, baby.” A black boot came into the light, and my eyes moved up the jeans-clad leg. Up and up until it landed on the face that haunted my dreams. He was the same Kane I’d known. Sharp, angled cheekbones, a defined jaw, and eyes as dark as night, but he looked different somehow.


He draped a thick blanket around my shoulder, crouching down to my level. I dropped my eyes away, unable to look at him, but his fingers slid under my jaw, forcing me to meet his fiery gaze. “Becca. Fuck, I’ve missed you.”

There was a time when I’d craved his words. In the beginning, I’d been intoxicated with the idea of Kane. And he’d reciprocated. I’d felt sexy and grown up and powerful. I’d felt alive. But most of all, it was fun. The flirting and stolen kisses behind the Rosen’s pool house. Then somewhere along the line, it became more than fun. It twisted into something dangerous. Something all-consuming and poisonous until I couldn’t breathe. It was too much for my seventeen years to handle. I was out of my depth, and I wanted out. But Kane was unwilling to let me walk away.

His calloused hand palmed my cheek as I took in his face, the faded scar across his left brow. The permanent reminder of the demise of our toxic relationship. A shudder worked its way through me, remembering that night.

“Night, Laura.” I waved at my friend as she headed up the winding driveway to her house.

I slipped inside, relieved to find the house bathed in a soft amber glow from the hallway lamp that Mom and Dad left on for me since they knew I’d arrive home to an empty house. After locking up behind me, I set the alarm and headed into the kitchen.

Laura had insisted on dragging me to the party at Joel Farrage’s. I hadn’t wanted to go, not after everything with Kane, but he’d cooled off, even stayed away from the party, and I’d actually had fun. For the first time in weeks, I’d felt like myself again. We’d laughed and danced and had a couple of glasses of champagne to take the edge off.

The faucet whooshed to life, and I filled a glass with water. I wasn’t drunk by any stretch of the imagination, but I didn’t want to wake up tomorrow with a headache. We had plans to spend the day on Laura’s family yacht.

After drinking another glass of water, I grabbed a plate and filled it with leftovers from the refrigerator and hit the light on the way out. Shadows danced on the walls as I approached the staircase.

“Hello, baby.”

The plate clattered to the floor, smashing around my feet.“K-Kane?” I gasped as he stepped into the light. “What are you doing here?”

“I missed you, Becca. I missed you so much.”

“Kane.” I let out a shaky breath. “We’ve been through this. I need space. It was fun, but things got too intense. I need to focus on school right now.”

He inched forward, and I stepped back. “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

Forward. Backward. We danced a game of cat and mouse until my back hit the wall beside the staircase, causing me to suck in a sharp breath.

“Don’t be afraid, baby.” Kane’s hand moved to my cheek, and he speared his fingers into my hair. “We’re so good together, Becca. No one gets me like you do.” His warm breath feathered over my face, and I shivered. My body always responded to his touch this way, and at first, it had been new and exciting, but when I’d finally let him have all of me, I’d regretted it. He was too intense, too needy, and it frightened me. It had been a mistake. I should have waited for someone I loved. Someone my own age.

“Kane,” I said firmly. “I really like you, but now is not a good time.”

His other hand pressed against the wall beside my head, caging me in, but despite the fear coursing through me, I stuffed it down. “You don’t mean that, baby. I remember how much you liked it. Liked the feel of me inside you.”

Champagne and barbecue rushed up my throat, and I choked it back, my stomach roiling. “You’re scaring me.”

His nose nudged my cheek as he pressed kisses down my jaw and the column of my neck. “God, you taste so fucking good. Let me in, baby. Open for me.”

My legs buckled, but his body held me up. “Kane,” I cried. “Please, don’t do this.” But he was already nudging my legs apart with his knee.

“You don’t want everyone to know, do you? Know what a dirty little bitch you are?”

A pained whimper left my lips. “I-I don’t understand. Why are you doing this?”

“You look so fucking hot in the photos and the video,” he growled. “I jerk off every night to that.”