Page 75 of Truth or Dare



“They want you to come over next weekend… for dinner.”

“Fancy.” I pressed a kiss to her exposed neck, but Becca pinched my sides.

“Don’t be a jerk. You were the one who wanted to come. I can always cancel.”

“No.”Kiss. “I’m coming. And after I’ve dazzled your parents and eaten their food, I’m going to sneak you upstairs into your room and—”

Becca reared back, arching away from me. “What has gotten into you?”

“You,” I said with conviction. “You have completely ruined me.”

“Don’t be such a drama queen. I’m just a girl, Evan. I’m nothing special.” Something flashed in her eyes. The same look she’d worn more than once this week.

Didn’t she realize? Couldn’t she see? Becca was so much more than that. A beacon of light in the dark. A ray of sunshine in a storm. Being with Becca didn’t only make life bearable. It made it worth it.


Our heads whipped around to where the shriek had come from. Becca tensed in my arms as we watched Lilly pound her fists into Jay’s chest.

“Do something. Oh God, we have to do something.” Becca broke out of my arms and started running in their direction. Scarlett got there first, trying to drag Lilly away, but she was like a woman possessed, hitting and screaming. The girl had lost it.

“I didn’t do it. Why won’t you believe me? Someone is trying to sabotage us, Lil. I DIDN’T DO IT.”

The roar of Jay’s voice silenced the crowd. Everyone was watching now.

Vin and Malachi were behind him, ready to tear him away if things got too brutal. Scarlett hovered close to Lilly, trying to calm her, but it didn’t work, and she lunged for Jay again just as Becca reached them. Scarlett managed to grab Lilly, yanking her back as Becca slipped between them.

I was running, no longer watching the scene play out. Jay was saying something to Becca, the muscles in his neck corded. He was close to losing his shit, and my girl was right in the middle of it.

“Becca,” I said, calmly keeping one eye on Jay. “You need to let them handle their own shit.”

Jay didn’t take his eyes off her, his teeth grinding together in his mouth.

“Jay, you need to leave her alone. You’re scaring her.” Becca’s voice was quiet.

“Scaring her? She just came at me like a wild thing. I didn’t do it, Becca. It’s a fucking lie. I would never touch anyone else, and she knows it.”

I inched closer, aware of the heads turned in our direction. “Guys, maybe we should do this somewhere else.”

Jay’s head whipped around to me, desperation in his voice. “Tell me you wouldn’t be standing here if it was Becca?”

My lips pressed into a thin line. He was right. I’d do whatever it took to get her back.

“Look, man,” I said. “Give her time. This isn’t the way. Not here, not like this. Come on, we’ll give you a ride home.”

His eyes flickered back to where Scarlett and Lilly stood huddled together behind Becca. His body sagged, the fight leaving his body. “Fine.”

Jay barged past Vin and Malachi, and Becca followed. I went after them, glancing back to make sure Scarlett was okay with Lilly. She nodded. Shit. I didn’t do this. I didn’t get involved in other people’s drama. But Becca was changing me. She was making me see things differently. And the second she’d stepped in front of Jay, I knew I wouldn’t linger on the sidelines.

Maybe, in the past, I’d done that too often.

“Jay, wait,” Becca pleaded, jogging up beside him.

“This is bullshit, Becca. I was setup. I didn’t do it. She has to believe me; she has to.” The dude broke down, and I was relieved—for his sake—that it was out here and not back there in front of everyone.