Page 58 of Truth or Dare

“It’s fine.” She turned into me, pressing her head into my chest. “I had a really nice evening, Evan.”

“Me too.” I wrapped my arms tighter, wanting to hold this little slice of normal for as long as possible.

“I’ll go wait for the cab outside.”

“Becca.” I caught her hand. “You don’t need to do that. Stay. She has to get used to it eventually.”

“Let’s not push her too soon, yeah?” Sadness washed over her face. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Her fingers lingered in mine and then pulled away.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and nodded, watching her leave, scared that if I opened my mouth, words I wasn’t ready to say would fall out.



“See you at lunch?”Evan entwined our fingers, pulling me back in for a kiss.

My hands went to his chest to steady myself. Since Teller’s two nights ago, he was different. Sure, to everyone else, he was the same brooding guy, but with me, he was more at ease. I’d gotten a glimpse of a completely different Evan—playful and lighter—and I liked it.

“Go, go.” I shoved him away. “I need to stop by my locker, but I’ll be fine. Go.”

He studied me for a second, trying to see past my front. Finally, after a couple of seconds, he relented and headed in the opposite direction. The hallway was emptying, and I hurried to my locker to grab the textbook I’d forgotten. When I opened the door, a white note fluttered out, landing at my feet. My heart had sunk for a second before I snapped it back into place.

I stared at the handwriting, my eyes lingering on every word as I read them again.

Tick tock, tick tock, what’s it going to be?

Dread flooded me. Kendall was certifiable and she wouldn’t stop. But I wouldn’t play this game, I wouldn’t. With one last disbelieving glance, I crumpled the paper, stuffed it in the nearest trash can, and headed to class.

* * *

“Watch it, bitch.” Kendall’s shoulder collided with mine, and I righted myself, shooting her a glare to rival the one etched on her face. Her eyes narrowed, burning with hatred as she leaned into me. I was aware people were watching us. Probably expecting a girl fight.

“You know, Becca”—her voice was low in my ear—“you really should watch where you’re going. Who you’re hanging around with. We wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to them.”

Rearing back, I pressed my lips together. I would not engage her. It was what she wanted.

Finally accepting my silence, she said, “See you around,” and carried on walking.

I jammed my trembling hands into my pockets and kept my head low, avoiding the stares of my classmates, but when I rounded the corner, my body smacked straight into Malachi.

“Hey, you okay?” he asked, studying me.

“Fine.” My voice was clipped, and I flashed him a quick smile to disguise the turmoil running through me.

His head tilted. “Are you sure?”

I nodded, moving around him to go to my locker.

“Porter said to tell you to wait for him. He’s… right here.”

“Hey.” The sound of Evan’s voice settled me a little, and I turned to him and Malachi. I didn’t miss the knowing expression on Malachi’s face, but I ignored it and focused my attention on Evan.

“Hi.” I smiled, leaning up to kiss him. He looped his arms around me and drew me closer.

“Hi,” he murmured. “I missed you.”

“And on that note, I’m out. Catch you guys later.”