Page 47 of Truth or Dare

I drove the rest of the way with a smile on my face.

* * *

When we pulled up outside Becca’s house, she let out a small groan.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

Like that would happen.

“Hey.” I twisted my body around to her. “Is everything okay?” My gaze flicked to the house, but Becca reached across the console and glided her hand against mine.

“Everything is fine.”

Wait, did she mean…?

“Thank you, for tonight.” She leaned in and pressed her lips to mine.

It was a small gesture, but I caught her around the waist, holding her in place. I moved my mouth to her ear and whispered, “I meant what I said.”

She reared back, her gaze narrowing. “Wha—”

My lips cut her off, and I swept my tongue into her mouth, trying to tell her everything I hadn’t yet been brave enough to say. When I drew back, the cute flush was back across her neck and cheeks.

“Good night, Evan,” she stammered, almost lost for words, and I felt smug knowing that, even after everything, I still affected her that way.

“Good night, Becca,” I said, watching as she climbed out of the Impala. At the last second, I called, “I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t be late.”

Her wide eyes said it all, but I didn’t stick around to hear her protests.



“Becca?”Mom appeared in the hallway. “Who was that?”

Ugh. Seriously. She wanted to do this now? All I wanted to do was retreat to my room and replay tonight over in my head.

I looked up and said a silent prayer for some patience. “No one, Mom.”

“That didn’t look like no one. That looked like a boy. A very grown boy with a very loud car.” The frown on her face would have been comical if I didn’t know the kinds of assumptions she was making.

“He’s a friend,” I said.

“A friend? Is that where you were? Out with a friend? I thought you were at Lilly’s house, studying?”

My eyes widened in challenge, refusing to back down. “Is that what you really thought, Mom? I think we both know I haven’t been going to Lilly’s to study.”

“Becca.” She gasped, and a tiny part of me felt guilty, but I couldn’t keep up this charade—the lies, the sneaking around. It was exhausting. Just because I was out with a boy didn’t mean I would repeat history. The fact that she thought I would, hurt more than I cared to admit.

“Mom, I am not going to get into trouble again, okay? You have to trust me. I’m eighteen. I’m not a chi—”

“You are my daughter, and while you live under my roof, I will not—”

“Melinda.” Dad appeared, but he didn’t look in my direction. “That’s enough.”

“But, Geary, this can’t continue. She’s acting out and you know what happened last time—”