Page 33 of Truth or Dare

“Ooookay, can I have syrup?”

I checked the cabinet and found a bottle of syrup. “That we can do. Do you want to help me mix the batter?”

“Nah, I’m watchin’Paw Patrol.”

Well, okay then. After collecting all the ingredients, I prepared the batter and found a pan. Within no time, a sugary sweet smell filled the small kitchen, and I served up two plates.

“Eli, breakfast.”

He bounded over, clambering up onto one of the stools with ease. “These look good.”

“Here’s the syrup, buddy.” I pushed the bottle in his direction. “But not too much.”

“Mom says I’m alreadys sweet enough.” He beamed, and it tugged at my heartstrings.

Eli was just an innocent boy, completely unaware that Evan was on his way to collect her from a motel because she got so drunk she couldn’t make her own way home.

We ate in comfortable silence. For an almost-four-year-old, Eli was good company, and after stuffing the last mouthful of pancake into his mouth, he pushed his plate aside. “They were gooooood! Fanks, Becca.”

“All finished?”

He nodded and belched, clapping a hand over his mouth at my wide eyes. “Oops.”

“What do you say?” I asked.

“Excuse me.” He ducked his head as pink tinted his cheeks.

“You go and watch your show, and I’ll clean up.”

When I was satisfied the kitchen was as clean as I’d found it, I joined Eli on the couch. “Paw Patrolagain, huh?”

“It’s my favorite,” he said, eyes never leaving the screen.

“I know, buddy. I know.”

After the third episode, I began to feel restless. When Evan had asked me to come over, I hadn’t been thinking about anything but Eli. Now all I could think about was what would Ellen say when she found me in her house with her son.

The door rattled, and I almost leaped out of my skin, earning me a snicker from Eli.

“Is it Ev?” he asked, eyes still glued to the television.

“Where’s my baby boy?” a woman’s voice filled the room, and Eli jumped up with a shriek of excitement. “Momma!”

“Come here, sweet boy.”

I sat rigid, unable to turn around and greet them. She hadn’t noticed me yet. I knew she hadn’t because the second she did, silence descended over the room.

“Evan? What the hell is she doing here?” Her voice was eerily calm, and it sent chills racing up my spine.

“Mom,” he said coolly. “Becca watched Eli.”

“Go play in your room, baby.”

“But I don’t wanna,” Eli protested.

I shifted ever so slightly so I could see them out of the corner of my eye. I couldn’t bring myself to look at them head-on, not with the hostility radiating from her.

“Hey bud, shall we play hide and seek? You go hide, and I’ll come find you in a minute, okay?”