Page 10 of Truth or Dare

I eyed her as she studied the menu. “Hmm,” she mused. “What should I get?”

Trevor slung his arm over her shoulder and smirked. “I have something you can feast on.”

“Ugh, gross, Trevor.” She shirked him off and fixed her eyes on me. “That’s not what I want.”

“You weren’t complaining last night,” he grumbled, but I had a feeling he was missing Kendall’s silent threat.

She wasn’t talking about food at all.

“I bet Becca knows what I want, right?” She cocked her head, and all their heads snapped up in my direction.

“The chicken burger is good,” I stated flatly, and a slow smirk broke over her face.

“The chicken burger. Sounds perfect… for now.” Her mouth twitched. “See, I told you Becca knew what I wanted.”

I hurried back to ring up their order and then went into the back. The second the door shut behind me, I leaned against the wall and inhaled a deep breath as my whole body trembled. I’d been a fool to believe it was over, and that Kendall had moved on, because the warning in her words slapped me in the face.

She wasn’t done with me.

Not by a long shot.

* * *

One more day.

Six hours and then I could forget about this hellhole for the weekend.

The morning passed without much drama, and part of me hoped the kids of Credence High were finally moving on. Being the social leper had its upside: I didn’t have to fight the crowds to get to my locker because kids jumped out of the way as if I carried some contagious disease.

But when I reached the locker banks, I regretted my decision to stash my books instead of hauling them around in my bag. Lilly glanced nervously at me and then at Scarlett and back again.

“Oh, hey, Becca, I… uh, I…”

I pursed my lips. “It’s fine, Lilly.” I didn’t address Scarlett. “I just need to put something in my locker, and then I’m gone.”

“No, don’t go, stay.” Her eyes pleaded with me. “Scarlett was just saying—”

“I’ll catch you later, Lilly,” Scarlett said, hovering. I ignored her, opening my locker, but she added, “Becca, I…”

I froze. Scarlett Peters didn’t apologize. That wasn’t her style. Tension descended over us, and I remained with my face pressed into my locker, waiting. But the words never came, and Lilly sighed. “Do you hate me?”

Slamming the locker shut, I let out a heavy sigh, noticing Scarlett was long gone. “She’s your friend.”

“So are you.”

I shrugged, moving around her. “I have to go.”

“Becca, wait. I’m sorry, okay? But she’s all alone, and her mom—”

I swung around. “I get it, I do, but what she did… I can’t just forget that. I thought she was my friend.”

“She was. I mean, she is. Scarlett is…” Lilly searched for the right word. “Complicated. And you kept your past from us too.”

“We all have secrets, Lilly. Things we’d rather not tell people, things that we can’t tell people. If I’d have walked into school advertising my old life, would you have given me the time of day? If Scarlett hadn’t invited me along to The Vault, would you have bothered trying to get to know me?”

Her mouth opened and then closed again.

“I didn’t think so. So we can spend all day going around and around in circles. Did Scarlett do me a favor by taking me under her wing? Maybe. But I’d rather have no friends than ones who lie to my face.”