Page 99 of Truth or Dare

Something squeaked up ahead, and I shined the flashlight just as a long tail disappeared into the shadows. I shuddered. Rats. I fucking hated rats. There was no way to tell where I was or what sections I had already searched. There hadn’t been time to plan. I just had to find her. I couldn’t think too much about anything else. About him touching her or hurting her. My fists clenched, and I ordered myself to calm down. Now was not the time to lose my shit over something I still didn’t understand.

When Kendall had said his name, it sparked a memory. Like one of those really old memories you weren’t sure was real or made up. Something you might have dreamed, only to file away in the recesses of your mind as real.

I was only a kid, seven or eight, and Elaina was over. She and my mom were huddled in the kitchen. Elaina was crying. I watched them from the doorway, wondering why Auntie Elaina was so sad.

“It’s better this way,” Mom said.

“Is it?” Auntie Elaina burst into tears again, and Mom wrapped her arms around her.

“Kane is sick, honey. You know he is. He’s better off with his dad. He can keep him in check and get him the help he needs.”

“He wrote her again.”


Auntie Elaina pulled back. She looked sad. “He wants to meet her.”

“Elaina, if Darryl finds out…”

“I know, I know.”

Dad had startled me, returning from work, and I’d dashed back into my room, not wanting to get caught snooping. I’d wondered why Elaina was so upset over someone called Kane. We didn’t know anyone called Kane, but when Dad had called me into the living room a little later, and they were sitting around laughing and joking, I’d forgotten all about it. Until the name had tumbled from Kendall’s mouth.

Kane Larson.

Kendall’s brother.Realbrother.

Something rang out in the distance, pulling me back to the present. An echo.A cry?I followed the noise, turning left at the next tunnel intersection, my boots heavy against the cement floor. It filled the stale air again, and before I knew it, I was jogging, chasing the sound. My flashlight swept over the tunnel until I came to a halt.


The lifeless body crumpled against the wall didn’t respond. I rushed over to her, crouching down, pushing the soggy hair out of her face. “Becca, it’s me. It’s Evan.”

I searched for any signs of injuries. Her lips were blue and her skin clammy and cold. She groaned, murmuring something about her head.

“Come on. Can you stand?” Slipping my arm around her waist, I pulled her up. Her limp body crushed against me.

“Ev-Evan? I’m so tired.” Her voice was raw, and it twisted my insides. Checking my cell phone again, I prayed that I had a signal, but there was nothing.

“Can you hold me?” I hugged her tight with one arm, trying to determine the best way to get her out of here in one piece because leaving her while I got help was not an option. Not now that I had her back.

“I-I don’t think I can walk. He did something to me.”

My spine went rigid, anger rushing through my veins.

“It’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay. I’ve got you.” I turned to her, steadying her with my hand. It was a good walk back to the stairs up to the facility if I could remember the way. She was right. She wouldn’t make it like this. She was barely conscious.

“Here.” I lifted her arm around my shoulder and slid my hand under her knees, hoisting her into my arms. Her body was like lead, and another bolt of anger exploded through me. What the fuck had he done to her?

Her head rolled against my chest as she murmured nonsensically. The flashlight balanced in my hand underneath her arms wasn’t steady, but it lit up the place enough for me to retrace my steps.

“Stay with me, Becca. You have to stay with me.”

We passed the intersection where I’d seen the rat, but I had to stop for a second to catch my breath. Becca’s fingers curled into my jacket, letting me know she was still with me, and it spurred me to life. We were almost there. The stairwell came into view.

“Becca, I’m going to have to put you down, okay?” She tipped her head, and I set her down gently, taking her hand and placing it on the rail, keeping my arm around her waist. “Do you think you can walk?”

Her eyes fluttered open, finding mine. “Evan?”