Page 65 of Truth or Dare

“He’s a cute kid. I enjoy spending time with him.”

“I’m not sure I like sharing though.” He glanced sideways at me, a smirk tugging at his mouth, and heat pooled in my stomach. Part of me wanted to ask him to blow off his mom and take me somewhere. Just the two of us. But I could never do that to Eli. And I would never ask Evan to choose.

Evan dropped me off at my house, leaving me breathless with a searing kiss. Mom saw it, the scowl on her face told me as much as I stalked past her.

“You have some mail. I put it in your room.”


“Thanks,” I said, helping myself to a glass of water before heading upstairs. Sure enough, on my desk was a white envelope addressed to me. I ran my thumb underneath the fold and ripped the paper open. My fingers trembled, panic clawing up my throat, and when my eyes landed on the contents, I stumbled back onto my bed. The backs of my knees hit the edge, and I landed with a soft thud.

It couldn’t be.

It couldn’t.

But it was. Staring back at me in all its sickening glory were images of me and Kane. Him kissing my neck, his hands over my half-naked body.

Lust oozed off the prints, and I had to fight the bile rushing up my throat.



How? How did she have these? I remembered that night. It was forever imprinted in my brain. The night I gave myself to a guy seven years my senior. A guy so much more experienced than I was. A guy who pushed my boundaries and took my virginity and then used it against me. The photos fluttered to the floor as I bolted into the small bathroom and threw up. Heaving and retching memories of that night into the bowl.

How was it possible?


I flushed and rinsed my face, dashing back into my room. My fingers trembled as I fumbled with the photographs, six in total. Grainy images of his room in the small apartment he and his father rented on the outskirts of Montecito. Skin on skin. My head tipped back, lips parted, desire and lust written all over my face.

My stomach churned again, and I closed my eyes. Dropping my head, I dragged long calming breaths into my lungs. The vibrating beside me hurtled me back to reality.

This was real.

This wasn’t some sick, cruel prank.

Grabbing the cell phone, I stared at the message as my world fell from under me.

Ready to play?

* * *

“You seem on edge. Is everything okay?” Lilly whispered, craning her head around to me as we sat with Mischa and Scarlett, watching the guys goof around.

“Fine. I’m fine.” My voice was clipped. I glanced around our little corner of Rogues. I hadn’t wanted to come, but when Scarlett and Lilly turned up outside my house like old times, I found myself saying bye to Mom and Dad and promising not to be late.

Being holed up alone in my room wasn’t doing me any good. My thoughts were a dangerous thing. At least here, surrounded by Lilly and the others, I could try to ignore the urge to run. To get as far away from Credence as I possibly could.

My eyes widened at the sight of Kendall and her friends over by the derelict arcade.

“Oh, shit,” Lilly hissed, causing the guys’ heads to whip up.

“Ignore her, Becca. We got you.” Vin stretched his arms out in front of him as if I had nothing to worry about.

“I’ll be right back.” I leaped up, adrenaline pumping through me. I didn’t know what I intended on doing, but I couldn’t run. It wasn’t an option. I needed to stand up to her once and for all. To find out how the hell she got her hands on the photos. They didn’t show anything other than me getting it on with a guy, but if they got out—if Evan found out—it would open a can of worms I wasn’t prepared to deal with.Couldn’tdeal with.

Those photos jeopardized everything.