Page 72 of Breaking Perfect

Liberty snuggled deeper into his side. “Sean?”


“Thank you. That was amazing.”

He kissed her temple and held her as they both fell asleep.

Chapter Ten

Mason pulled into the garage and tucked his keys in his pocket as he collected the paper from the seat beside him. He’d been anxious all day, worrying how Libby and Sean made out. He turned the knob and breathed a sigh of relief as his eyes set on her. Beautiful. Perfect. His heart thundered with a sweet melodic beat that played only for his Liberty.

“Hey, baby. How was your day?”

“Good. How was yours?” Her smile faltered only a second before her blue eyes fully focused on him.

“Long. How about a kiss?”

She walked to him and leaned up on her tiptoes. His mouth crested over hers and a part of his brain sparked and touched on some nostalgic trigger. She smelled like Sean.

“Were you a good girl today?” he asked against her lush lips. Liberty tipped her head down as a blush stole over her cheeks. He tipped up her chin. “Lib?”

“I…I did what we talked about?” Mason pulled a deep breath into his lungs. His nostrils flared as a smile formed on his face and his cock lengthened in his pants.

“Really? Well, you’ll have to tell me all about it. And did you enjoy yourself?” He couldn’t explain the rush of excitement he got from imagining Liberty and Sean touching and playing with each other.

Liberty nodded. “Dinner’s ready.”

“Do I have time to change?”

“Of course.”

Seeing as the past however many years were scripted the same every day, Mason’s senses were sharpened today. He was on the lookout for any atypical behavior from Liberty. The placement of the glass of juice that morning had shocked him and amplified his belief that having Sean here was a good thing.

He went upstairs to change. As he was leaving his room in a much more comfortable pair of track pants he saw Sean exiting his own room. “Hey.”

Sean froze and Mason laughed. He looked like a bandit caught in the circle of the watch guard’s light. Put a black and white striped shirt on him and a mask and he’d be looking at a cartoon.

“Hey,” Sean answered tightly, eyes darting to the floor.

Mason wondered if he was fighting a losing battle, trying to get Sean to accept his wishes where Libby was concerned. “Relax. Lib already told me.”

“She did?” Sean’s discomfort with the circumstances was obvious in the way he foisted his hands in his pockets and averted his gaze.

“Well, not in detail, but she said you two had a nice time together. I filled in the blanks. Was the feeling not mutual?”

Sean looked away and squeezed the back of his neck. “Oh no, it was mutual. I, however, think you’re nuts.”

“Why? You planning on stealing my wife?” he teased.

“Tempted,” Sean joked, but Mason picked up on the serious undertone to his words.

He tilted his head and thought for a moment. No matter Sean’s trepidation, Mason knew him and believed wholeheartedly he could trust Sean not to betray him. Finally he said, “You wouldn’t do that.”

Sean laughed, but it wasn’t a nice sound. “I wouldn’t be so sure. Still want me as a guest in your house?”

“It doesn’t matter. I know you, Sean. I know who you are deep down under all that cynicism you built up over the last decade. You would never be able to live with yourself if you betrayed me. And that’s beside the point. Liberty and I share something the two of us honor above all else. She’ll never leave me.”

“Put enough pressure on even the strongest structure and it will crack, Mase. You’re taking an awfully big gamble here.”

Perhaps, but his instinct said to keep at it. There was a reason he felt it so necessary to open up these gates to their relationship and allow another man in. Not just another man. Sean. No matter how bizarre and wrong the situation might appear, something about it felt very right to Mason. “Anything involving love involves risk.”

He looked at Sean hard, demanding he meet his gaze. When Sean looked up he knew he had made his point. Yes, even you, you stubborn ass. I even love you.

Dinner was peaceful. As always, Liberty’s cooking was outstanding. He took her hand and ran his thumb over the top of her fingers and she smiled up at him so trustingly. “So tell me what you did today,” he said. She flushed a pretty shade of soft pink.

“Sean gave me a massage.”

A massage? Huh, not what he expected, but he could see how that could lead to something else. Sean interrupted his thoughts. “Liberty hurt her back.”

Mason looked over to his wife and frowned. She had a bad habit of ignoring her needs and jeopardizing her health when she thought something else held a higher priority. More times than not, the items she placed at the top of her priority list were unnecessary and insignificant compared to her wellbeing. “You did? How?”