Page 69 of Breaking Perfect

Sean stilled. What to do? He sat back on his heels for a moment and she moaned in objection. Fuck.


“Yeah,” His voice sounded like gravel on sandpaper.

“Why’d you stop?”

Her needy voice enchanted him. What should he do? What would Mason want him to do? He knew what he wanted to do, but that was a given. “Do you want me to keep going?” he finally asked, voice tight.

Her pert little butt swayed seductively before his eyes. “Your hands are like heaven.”

He swallowed down a hard lump of desire. If he touched her again he couldn’t be held responsible for what happened next. Reaching for the bottle of oil, he rubbed some more into his hands. Trying to be somewhat professional, he began to work on her lower back some more. The farther he leaned in the more the intoxicating scent of her arousal penetrated his senses. Soft, sweet, succulent flesh…

“Ouch!” Liberty squeaked. “Did you just bite me?”

Sean cleared his throat. “I might have.”

Liberty giggled. “You like to play rough don’t you, Sean?”

“Oh, you have no idea,” he grumbled as he moved his hands over her ass and leaned in low to take a long inhale of her sweet, tangy sex.

“Mason’s always afraid I’ll break.”

The mention of Mason did odd things to Sean. Holding another man’s wife under his hands provoked a dirty feeling inside of him, yet his mind reminded him he’d been given permission. He held onto the secret of their past, knowing he and Liberty had more in common than she realized. “He just doesn’t want to hurt you. He would never forgive himself if he caused you pain.”

“Sometimes pain isn’t always a bad thing.”

Sean’s head kicked up and his fingers stilled. Well, well, well. “And what do you know about pain, little Liberty?”

Her voice was slow and drowsy as he continued to massage her flesh. “I know that there’s pain that’s bad and then there’s pain that’s good.”

“And what’s good pain?”

“The kind that stings for a moment, but then gives way to a soft burn that spreads over your flesh like a blanket, making all the hurt turn slowly into deep pleasure. That’s the good kind. Like when Mason’s kissing my breasts and he suddenly bites the tip. It stings for a moment, but then this warm heat spreads through me and everything becomes a little more sensitized and every lick feels like it’s left by a hundred fiery tongues.”

Sean made slow circles and worked his thumbs into her crease. “Are you saying you enjoy a little pleasure that burns?” He gently placed his thumb on the tiny rosette of her ass.

She stilled and gasped.

Sean began to massage the small bit of flesh. “I agree, sometimes a little nip of pain can give way to a nirvana of pleasure.” The oily tip of his thumb nudged her tight opening and she made a small startled noise in the back of her throat. “Are you asking me to show you what I’m referring to?” He pressed the broad tip of his thumb a bit farther until he met the resistance of her tissue and waited for her answer.

Liberty was completely submissive whether she knew it about herself or not. The memory of her surrender with him and Mase sent him into total dominant male mode. “Answer me.”

“I…I don’t know.”

“Has Mason ever fucked you here, Liberty? Fingered your tight little pink hole while he played at your pussy?”

She breathed a breathless, “No.”

“Do you trust me to decide for you? To bring you pleasure without causing you real pain?”

Her back rose and fell as her breath quickened. She was thinking. He held his thumb partially seated in her ass and waited. Finally, she nodded.

“Is that a yes, Liberty?”

“Yes,” she moaned grudgingly.

Sean smiled then stilled. Still conflicted about his friend’s request to touch his wife, but not fuck her. It was a blurry line and he wasn’t sure on which side he currently stood. His hands led as his mind followed.

“Good girl,” he rasped, reaching for the bottle of oil.

Wet, slick drizzles ran down her lower back and ass. It trickled down to the towel beneath her and into her crevices. He removed his thumb and began to smear the oil into her skin, directing it to her little hole. His fingers lubricated the area, making firm massaging strokes followed by shallow dips.

Liberty was squirming beneath him, growing impatient for his touch. “Before Mase, have you ever had a cock up your ass, Liberty?” She stilled. “Answer me.”


“A finger? A dildo?”


“I didn’t think so. The trick is to relax into it. Feel my finger? It feels huge, but it’s nothing compared to a cock. Mason’s cock is wide. If you ever intend on taking your husband there you’ll need to build up a tolerance for anal play. Would you like me to help you with that? Help you so that you can better please Mason?”