Page 66 of Breaking Perfect

Soft. Warm. He barely touched her, but fuck, she felt incredible. He could sense her trembling, but like a good little girl she waited. “I’m going to kiss you, Liberty. Is that what you want?”

The sound of Mason’s chair creaked behind them. Would this be the moment Mason wised the fuck up? Liberty trembled in his grip. He cupped the back of her head and traced his thumb along the graceful line of her jaw until it landed on her lower lip. Her little pink tongue crept out and his dick pulsed at the sight.

Sean tipped the pad of his thumb into her mouth and those succulent lips instinctively closed over his digit. She gave a little suck and shut her eyes as she sighed. Sean groaned. She was so fucking sexy. It was natural. She didn’t even have to try.

He slowly withdrew his thumb and leaned in. His kiss was firm at first. Not invading, but in charge. She would know the kind of man he was by the way he kissed, the kind of lover, because at this point there was no doubt in his mind that he would have her. Stupid Mason for allowing him this ecstasy. Only a eunuch could refuse an offer so sweet.

He wasn’t one to pussy foot around. His hand slid down her back and cupped her ass and he kept his other hand steadily at the side of her jaw. In one smooth movement he opened his mouth over hers and pressed her lips apart. She moaned and he sunk his tongue into the heat of her mouth, stealing her flavor, memorizing her soft touch.

He kissed her deeply, leaving his imprint on her, making sure she could think of nothing but him. He demanded full attention and would settle for nothing less.

Her one hand trembled as it held tight to the glass of orange juice. Her other rested against his heart. She probably felt it racing beneath the wall of his chest. She did this to him and he couldn’t recall ever feeling so exhilarated at the mere idea of kissing a woman.

Taking one final sweep of her soft tongue as it timidly toyed with his, Sean drew his lips together and began to conclude the kiss. It was difficult not to keep going back for more. His lips closed and his cock twitched. Breaking their kiss into nips and licks, he savored her to the last drop. Finally he pulled himself away and breathed, “Mornin’.”

Sean stepped back and with a self-satisfied grin plopped into his chair and took a swig of coffee. He gave Mason a ‘how do ya like them apples’ look.

Liberty mumbled something and set his glass down then left the room to bring in breakfast. Mase’s eyes were fixed on the table, his fingers slowly tracing over the folded page of the paper, and Sean couldn’t read his expression, but it hinted at being caught off guard.

He leaned back and arrogantly sighed. “Still okay with me touching your wife?”

Mase didn’t move or even blink. “Yes.” His words were one hundred and ten percent certain.

It was Sean’s turn to be surprised. He turned to Mason and frowned. “Seriously? Mason, do you even—”

Mason held a hand up, silencing Sean’s criticism. He pointed to the table where his gaze was still locked. Sean turned his head. It took him a moment to grasp what he was supposed to be seeing, but once he saw it, he matched Mase’s shock. He knew it was huge. On the table, set right by the edge, far away and more to the left of the napkin than anything else, sat Sean’s glass of orange juice.

They each stared at the glass resting outside of its “proper” place. Turning to each other in silence, their eyes communicated how novel her mix up was. Even after only a few days, Sean knew it was a big deal.

Was this because of the kiss? Had he distracted her? What did this mean? Sean feared it would end in a meltdown like the morning before, or worse. He wasn’t really sure about all this obsessive compulsive stuff or what exactly brought it on or set Liberty off, but he was damn sure the next time he got around a computer he would look it up.

Before they could comment out loud on the glass, Liberty returned with a tray full of food. Her cheeks were flushed a radiant shade of burnt sienna. Sean wanted her. She was flustered, but in a good way. The hint of a smile played at the corners of her mouth. She set out the food and Mase sent him a look. Sean acknowledged the look and decided not to move the glass for some time, just in case.

They began to eat in relative silence. Sean caught Liberty glancing at Mase, and when her husband caught her glance he reassuringly returned it. Liberty smiled at him and looked to Sean and smiled again. He was a goner.