Page 50 of Breaking Perfect

“Oh, I wasn’t making an accusation, just an observation. I know Mason isn’t a miser or snob.”

They pulled into the superstore parking lot and Sean told her to wait until he came around. He helped her down from the cab and she felt another quiver run up her spine as his strong hands grasped her hips. What was wrong with her? It was disconcerting to have such a reaction to her husband’s friend. When he released her she again felt flustered once more.

“I’ll go grab a cart,” she quickly said and brushed past him hoping he didn’t notice the flush she could feel crawling up her neck.

Sean followed closely behind her and perused the aisles much like any man did, taking note of common household items and frowning as if he’d never noticed such things before. Liberty led them to the detergent aisle and casually began picking up small bottles of laundry detergent and sniffing the liquid.

“Are you looking for one particular kind?” Sean asked as he sniffed bottles alongside of her.

“No, there’s a specific kind I need, but I’m not sure who makes it.”

“This one’s nice. Lavender blossom.”

Libby paused before scenting the next bottle and looked at him. “Oh…do you like that one? If you like that one best that’s the one I’ll get.”

“No, it’s your call. I was just saying it smells nice. Girlie, but nice.”

She frowned. Did he want the kind he usually used or something else? “Well, maybe you should pick.”

He put the bottle back after tightening the lid. “I don’t care. Soap’s soap. Besides, it isn’t my place to tell you what to buy.”

She pursed her lips. Maybe it should be his place. If he could just decide and tell her what to do she would feel a lot better. She tapped her fingers at her thigh impatiently. “I think you should pick.”

Sean frowned at her then looked back at the never ending shelf full of choices. He seemed to reach a decision in his mind. He leaned close to her and she stopped breathing. His scent clouded her senses and her heart began to race as he brought his face to the curve of her shoulder and her neck. His lungs inhaled deeply and the heat of his skin radiated into her. When he spoke, his breath fanned over her hair sending small wisps sweeping across her exposed skin. “You smell nice. What kind do you use?”

Libby swallowed. Her throat was suddenly very, very dry. Sean straightened up to his full height, seemingly unaffected by what just happened. Had anything happened? Or was she simply overreacting? She was struck dumb for a moment then uttered, “But that isn’t your kind.”

He looked at her and laughed. “Is that what this is? Libby, I don’t have a kind. I’m a bachelor. I use whatever I grab. This is the longest I have ever stood in a soap aisle. Just pick whatever you’d like and it’ll be fine. I definitely trust a woman’s touch over mine. I’m lucky my clothes don’t get washed in floor cleaner considering how much thought I put into reading labels. Please, don’t go out of your way. Just get what you always do.”


He looked at her, seeming to understand her struggle as silly as she knew it was. Then he did exactly what she needed him to do. “Get what you always buy. That’s what I want. Find it and put it in the cart.”

His instructions cut off her indecisive thoughts and an urge to do exactly as he said kicked in. She turned and found the bottle of detergent she usually used and placed it in the cart. Gazing up at him, he slid the list out of her hands and read it. “Okay, looks like we need paper towels. We’ll get them next.”

They went through the list much the same way all the way to the last item. Sean instructed her on what to do and she followed his command, feeling lighter because of his guidance. When they reached the end of the list he said, “Now you need to find something pretty for yourself to put in the cart.”

“It doesn’t say that.”

“Yes it does. It says Liberty will select something pretty for herself which Sean the house guest will purchase for her.”


“Liberty, let me buy you something nice as a thank you for putting me up. Please. It would make me happy.”

She debated for a minute. “Okay, but something small.”

They walked around the store, meandering in and out of aisles. Sean would pick up random items and play with them. It was slightly embarrassing, but more humorous than anything else. Sean had a very youthful quality about him that seemed contagious. It was easy to laugh with him, to play. When they reached the toy aisle, which they had no business being in, Sean decided they needed to have an all-out light saber duel.