Page 28 of Breaking Perfect

“Liberty?” Rather than answer she looked down her nose at him and tried not to laugh. When he seemed convinced he had her attention he said, “I love you.”

What was it about him, about the way he always accepted her without condition that made her continuously fall more and more in love with him each day. She let her arms drop and met his gaze head-on. “I love you too.”

He turned and climbed across the bed until he was directly in front of her. His lips kissed her nose and he whispered, “Lie back.”

“But…” She’d already begun doing what he asked and then hesitated. This wasn’t right. “It’s Sunday…and the lights…”

“Yes, it’s Sunday and your husband has come home from work early and would like to make love to you. He’s also decided his wife’s beauty is too great to waste on the darkness. Now, do as your husband asked and lie back.” Her body fell back to the mattress. Anticipation bubbled low in her belly.

“Hands above your head,” he instructed. She did as he told her. “Good girl. Now, these adorable little shorts must come off, I’m afraid.” He was acting so playful she laughed. Mason slid her silk bottoms over her legs and tossed them over his shoulder. They landed just to the left of the long dresser. She’d put them in the hamper as soon as they were finished whatever he had in store.

“How do you feel? Are we okay?” His expression was only momentarily serious, but he expected an honest answer.

She had to think why he was asking. She’d been so caught up in anticipating whatever he was planning on doing she forgot about her apprehension. Selfless pride fluttered in her chest as she noted how quickly the unordinary conditions in which they were about to make love had slipped her mind. Her lips tugged with a smile. “I’m okay.”

“Good. Spread your legs, Libby. Let me see how beautiful my wife is.” She slowly did as he asked. Her face flushed when he looked directly at her pussy. “You’re enjoying this,” he commented as he swept a finger through the slit of her folds, coming back with a glistening fingertip, and holding it up for her to view.

Liberty didn’t know if she should feel embarrassed or aroused. She supposed she was experiencing a combination of both. The two emotions blended into a potent cocktail that gave her the same tipsy sensation she got when drunk.

Mason climbed into the space between her legs, pants still on, and braced his arms just outside of her breasts. He caged her in, making her feel so completely feminine. Her pussy grew so wet her juices began to trickle down her taint.

“What would you say, Liberty, if I told you I was tired of making love to my beautiful wife like a married minister, only on Fridays and Wednesdays and only ever in the dark? Would you be opposed to me changing things? I know you like to have an idea of what to expect, but I have been doing some thinking, and I think it’s time we stopped being so damn predictable in bed. I also think, as strange as this may sound, that when we’re fucking it’s the only time you actually favor spontaneity. I think you want to be taken by surprise. I think when we make love, not like we’ve been doing for the past five years, but the way we did yesterday, I think whatever it is inside of you that tells you everything has to be perfect, goes quiet. Your body somehow knows it’s better to simply let it happen, to feel, and you, in turn, surrender your control. Yesterday at the pool I watched you, Libby. I watched you come undone and it was the sexiest fucking thing I have ever seen in my entire life.”

His spot on explanation for everything she’d been feeling of late astounded her. How could he have made such quick sense of things she was trying to comprehend about herself for months? No one had ever known her mind so completely to the degree that Mason did. She wanted to cry, to shout, Yes! That is what I want!

Liberty breathed heavily. Mason slowly leaned down, easing closer to her lips, but never taking his gaze off of her. A wild gleam filled his eyes and ever so slowly he licked across her bottom lip. A moan escaped before she could stop it.

“Is that what you want, Liberty? Do you want your husband to fuck you until you can’t think anymore? Until all the noise, the memories, the need for perfection is silent and all you can think about is your heartbeat throbbing in your pussy, screaming in your ears, followed by the symphony of white noise as you come?”

It was too much. Each word created an image so erotic and desirable she felt her pussy already begin to clench and flutter, begging for him to make good on all his provocative promises.