Page 11 of Breaking Perfect

Mason swam them over to the lower end, towing Libby by her narrow waist. Once he was standing she wrapped her slick legs around his torso and smiled at up at him. Her eyes were huge with her hair smoothed back from the water, leaving her face without the usual frame of curls. They were easily the prettiest blue that ever existed.

There was a longing in those blue eyes. What did his little lady Liberty want? “If you could ask for one thing right now and, no matter what it was, no matter how much the cost, I promised to give it to you, what would you ask for?”

“A kiss.”

He laughed long and hard. She was such a girl. “A kiss? Anything in the world and you would ask for a kiss? Not a new designer bag or jewelry or a new car?”

“No. Those bags are ridiculous. Do you know the one you bought me last month cost eight hundred dollars, Mason?” Of course he knew the price. What he’d like to know is who told her.


“So that could be eight weeks of groceries for a small family or a much needed medical treatment for someone suffering.”

At that he did kiss her, and he kissed her well and good. His tongue pressed between soft lips and reached deep inside her warm mouth as if searching for her soul. His body stirred when she suddenly wound her arms around his neck and kissed him back with equal or perhaps more passion than he intended. What had gotten into her? She was curiously stepping out of the shy and reserved persona she maintained for so long. Her diffidence seemed to be fading and he liked it.

Her thighs tightened over his hips and his body grew hard in response to the way she fit the crease of her cunt against his cock. Although they were wearing their swimsuits, the material was thin enough that every cleft and curve was evident.

Libby’s tongue pierced past his lips as if she were on a mission. So unlike the other night, she now met him with vigor. Perhaps this change had been long overdue and his Liberty realized it before him. She had been drenched when he touched her the previous evening, yet somehow he suspected he had missed his mark.

Libby always reacted to his sexual overtures in a gentle, feminine way. He was satisfied with that. She was his wife, he had to be, and he would never pressure her to do anything that could make her uncomfortable. But, perhaps she wanted to be pressured.

She was suddenly like a woman possessed. This was a side of his submissive little Libby he had never seen. It was as if she had just thrown off a mask. He wondered how far he could push this side of her and was delighted that he discovered it.

Mason’s fingers forked into Liberty’s wet hair from the base of her neck. Spiked lashes closed over crystal blue eyes. She clung to him with little effort in the waist deep water. His hand coasted up her back and found the threads at the back of her bathing suit top. He tugged. She didn’t seem to notice so he found the tie behind her neck and did the same.

Taking control of the kiss he ushered her to the wide stairs of the pool and rested her little bottom on the second step down. Holding her at the waist, he broke the kiss and eased away from her. As the space between them grew her top slithered into the water and fell away leaving two perfectly pink tipped nipples.

His handling of Liberty suddenly baffled him. He was a moron. Why do I fuck her in the dark? Potent want filled his gut and tunneled through his cock. Will she let me fuck her here? Now?

She gasped, realizing he’d undone her top and moved to cover her body. He caught her delicate wrists and stilled her attempt. “No, let me see you.”

She didn’t relax in his grip, nor did she struggle. She simply dropped each arm to her side and bared herself just as he asked. Dear God, she was a wet dream. “You’re incredible, Lib. I don’t know how an old guy like me got so lucky.”

“You aren’t old, Mason. Thirty-eight is younger than it used to be.”

“This, from the wise twenty-eight year old.”

“Well, you don’t look or act old to me. I think you’re in better shape and more handsome than any twenty-something guy I have ever met. Besides, with you I not only get a hot husband I get all of your wisdom and experiences to learn from. You’re one of the smartest men I know.”

“Again, I wonder how I got so lucky.”

Something lurched between them in that moment. A secret weighing a million pounds in emotions that could never be fully purged, and he sensed he wasn’t the only one hiding something. His worry never ended where his wife was concerned. He was the provider, the decision maker, had the final say in their relationship, but she was the soul of everything. He wanted the soul to be happy and unafraid, always, but eternal content was a fairytale and Liberty’s entire existence was saturated in internal disquiet. Her disorder left him impotent at times, a useless extension of herself, unable to protect her and sometimes he hated the hell out of what she had.