Page 58 of Breaking Perfect

“Do you want to get fucked, Liberty?”

She tried not to wince at his crude words. They were wrong, but excited her on some level. Yes, she wanted Mason inside of her. Her skin prickled with need.

“Answer me.”

She looked into his eyes. He was serious and she reminded herself of all she had promised the night before. He was in charge. “Yes, Mason.”

“Yes, Mason, what?”

“Yes, Mason, I want you to fuck me.”

The corner of his lip turned up and she knew he was pleased. “How would you like to be fucked, Liberty?”


His eyes burned with lust, pupils dilating, followed by the brief flare of his nostrils, and his expression sobered. “Go up to our room and I’ll be there in a minute.” She leaned down to gather her clothes. “Leave them.”

“But Sean—”

“Sean’s asleep. Do as I say.” He stood and turned off the entertainment system. She paused for a moment, slightly unsure. “Liberty.”

At the commanding tone of his voice her body sprang into action. She turned the knob and blinked as the soft hall lighting affected her eyes. Looking left then right, she relaxed once she saw the hallway was empty and Sean’s bedroom door was still closed. Her bare feet stepped into the hall and moved toward their bedroom.

Mason grabbed her arm when she was only halfway there and spun her. Her back crashed into the cool wall and his mouth came down on hers. His tongue pressed past her lips and he kissed her fiercely. She moaned and raised her knee to hook over his hip. He was hard and he jammed the bulge of his cock into her sex. She would leave a wet mark on his pants, but she ground herself against him anyway.

“Undo my pants, Liberty.”

Her fingers went to the waist of his pants and released the button. She quickly lowered the zipper and his cock sprang free. Without being told her fingers wrapped around his thickness and her thumb ran over the wet tip. He caught her wrist and stilled her movements.

“You have to ask.”

“Can I touch you?” She was mad with lust and needed to feel him. Surely he could grant her that.

“With your mouth.” He looked into her eyes, his own eyes pools of dark lust. “Still want to touch me?”


“On your knees.”

She dropped to her knees so fast she would probably have bruises there. Her mouth found his thick cock and sucked him deep to the back of her throat. Mason groaned. Liberty quickly untangled her arms from her bra and reached for his hips, but Mason was faster. He grabbed her hands and pinned them against the wall, over her head, in one large hand.

“Your mouth feels incredible on my cock, Liberty. Take me deeper. I know you can.”

She shut her eyes and felt her shoulders tighten as she leaned forward. Her mouth stretched over his hot flesh and she moved her tongue along the underside of his cock.

“Deeper,” he commanded and she leaned into him as far as her position allowed. The way he held her arms she could only reach so far. Mason spread his feet apart, lowering himself another inch. His hand went to the back of her head and sifted through her curls.

She would have felt the wall there had he not used his hand as a buffer between her skull and the hard surface. As it were, the new placement of his hand allowed him to thrust into her mouth.

She moaned as he filled her lips and tongue with his flesh. Her mouth and eyes began to water as his flesh pressed farther toward the back of her throat. “That’s it, baby. Take all of me. Just like that.”

When the smooth head of his engorged cock pressed against the soft pallet of her throat he held himself there. Liberty started to panic as she realized with him that deep she couldn’t breathe. Tightness gripped her chest and her eyes burned. He pulled himself back and let her take a deep breath through her nose. Air flooded into her lungs.

He looked down at her, his thumb reaching below her ear to trace the gentle curve of her extended jaw. “Feel that, baby? That’s you taking all of me. I’m going to do that again, but this time I want you to relax. When you feel me at the back of your throat I want you to swallow so I can feel your hot mouth constricting over my cock.”

She waited as he slowly fed his cock down the back of her throat. Taking one last breath of air she felt him reach the deepest point and she swallowed. Mason groaned long and hard then retreated. He did this a few more times and Liberty grew more comfortable with it, knowing he would never hold himself there for more than a couple seconds.