Page 42 of Breaking Perfect

Mason laid his cheek on her belly and panted. They must have both fallen asleep on the floor for a while, because the next thing she knew she was freezing and Mason was carrying her back to the bed. He covered her and rather than laying on his back like he usually did, he pulled Liberty tightly to his side and held her.

* * * *

When she woke up around five the following morning to start her day she was still in his arms. She tried to carefully slip out from beneath the weight of his arm, but he grunted and tightened his hold on her. Her mind panicked for a moment.

She needed to get up and shower so that she could make breakfast and mop the foyer before the house was awake. It was what she did. She didn’t want to disturb him, but the urge to go about her business as usual was nagging at her and making it hard to breathe with each passing second.

Her fingers tried to pry open his grip, but he was actually fighting her.


The stern order caused her to freeze. She licked her lips and tried not to get alarmed. After a moment, she calmly said, “Mason, honey, I need to start breakfast. I can’t sleep as late as you do.”

His voice was muffled in the pillows when he said, “I’m awake now.”

“Well, I have things to do. Let me up and I’ll let you get back to sleep.”

“No. I’m not ready to let you go yet. You’re warm.”

She was glad he wanted to spend time with her, but she needed to get up. She was already fifteen minutes behind schedule. If the floor didn’t get done it would have twice as much dirt and dust on it tomorrow because she wouldn’t be able to get to it in the middle of the day with people constantly walking through. Then tomorrow it would take twice as long to clean and she would know that extra grime was there so she would have to forgo the mop and get down on her hands and knees and do it with a sponge and bucket. She didn’t want to disappoint him, but she needed to draw the line. She had responsibilities.

“Mason, I need to get up. Ouch!” He pinched her nipple. “Hey, that hurt!” Frustrated and a little upset, she began to struggle to sit up. He pulled his face out from the pillow and easily flattened her into the mattress and subdued her struggles. He leaned down and kissed her. At first she protested, but then his persistent mouth wiped away all irritation.

“Good morning, Liberty.”

She pursed her lips and frowned at him.

“Is that anyway to greet your husband in the morning? I said, good morning, Liberty.”

“Good morning,” she grumbled.

“Well, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed today.”

“No, someone can’t seem to get out of bed today.”

“Hmm. Well, let’s see if I can make it worth your while to stay.”

“Mason, I have chores—”

His firm cock nudged against her sex, cutting off her train of thought. “My rules, Liberty, remember?” Her lips pressed together. She needed to mop the floor. She was now twenty-three minutes behind schedule. He breached the entrance of her sex and moved the head of his erection up and down over her swollen lips and slit. Her stupid, traitorous body bloomed like a slick flower for him and her moisture coated the tip of his cock.

He slipped inside of her and seated himself and moaned. “There, now isn’t that better?”

She struggled with wanting to move against him and the need to continue her protests. Now she wasn’t sure if she wanted to mop or have sex. He slowly pulled himself out and thrust back into her. Yeah, she would just have to wake up extra early tomorrow. Because there was no way she was leaving this bed now.

Without being asked to do so, she raised her arms above her head and laced her fingers together. Mason smiled. “Ah, there’s my girl.” She smiled back at him and found herself forgetting about chores and time and focused only on her husband.

Chapter Seven

Sean entered the quiet kitchen and wondered where everyone was. Did they go out? It was almost nine o’clock and Liberty said she would see him at breakfast in the morning. The day before, she’d gotten up obscenely early. Didn’t she always do that? His stomach growled and he frowned at the immaculate, state of the art kitchen and considered peeking behind some of the custom cabinets to see if he could score a bowl of Captain Crunch.

He walked over to the counter and noticed the Cusinart coffee pot sitting open with fresh ground coffee already waiting in the crisp new filter. He gazed over his shoulder and to the door. With a shrug he shut the trap and hit start. Moments later the aroma of freshly brewing coffee filled the air accompanied by the happy little perking sounds coming from the machine. The presence of noise in the house other than his own breathing made him feel a little more relaxed.