Page 12 of Breaking Perfect

He looked at Libby curiously and she bashfully lowered her lashes. “It’s almost time for you to get ready for work,” she whispered.

He tipped her chin up so she looked at him. “What would you give me, Liberty? If you could give me anything in the world, no matter the cost, what would you allow me to have?”

A slow smile touched her mouth. “All of it. Whatever you asked for, I would stop at nothing to make you happy. I would give you my soul.”

She might’ve had more to say, but he needed to kiss her again. He kissed her hard and was delighted when she kissed him back with equal vigor. Mason moved to the step and pulled her onto his lap. She went easily and the new position lifted her body so that her breasts were displayed before him as she straddled his hips.

Wrapping his hands around the tops of her spread thighs, he pulled her close. His cock found a snug crevice, past her pussy, at the cleft of her ass and his mouth found those berry tipped nipples. He sucked one than the other into his mouth, releasing each one with a short popping sound. Chlorine slightly altered the natural flavor of her flesh. Leaning back he admired his work. Each pink peak wore his kiss, bore his mark. They were his tits.

His hand coasted over her hip and down to her bikini bottom. She trembled above him and his barely contained desire swelled inside of him as a spattering of goose bumps prickled her tender skin. “Are you turned on right now, Liberty?”

“Yes,” she breathed.

“Would you let me make love to you right here on these steps if I asked it of you?” She breathed a little harder at the suggestion. Interesting. Perhaps it was time to enrich their intimate relationship. Mason always tried to keep a bead on Liberty’s limits, but perhaps they were changing. “Answer me.”

She moaned. “Yes.”

He didn’t know if she realized that his position beneath her allowed him to feel every twitch and clench of her pelvic muscles. She was excited. Highly excited and fighting to keep still. What caused this? He wanted to see if he could push her farther out of her typically cautious self.

“And what if I told you I didn’t want to make love? What if I told you I wanted to fuck my wife?” His words were out before he considered that they might not get the desired reaction.

A chill visibly traveled up her body causing her to tremble and sigh. Her pupils dilated, as she looked at him with denim blue irises, dark with arousal. Oh, something was definitely going on with her.

His shock at his audacious words disappeared. Calmly, softly, he asked, “Liberty, what if I told you I want to yank this suit aside and shove my cock so far up your pussy you scream with pleasure?” And the most incredible thing happened. He could swear her body tightened so much over him that she may very well have had a mini-orgasm. They were each full of surprises today. “Well, I guess that’s my answer then.”

In one quick move he had his swim trunks shucked below his balls and kicked them off under the water as he yanked her suit bottom aside and aligned his engorged cock with her tight little pussy. Jesus H. Christ! He froze when he felt more than saw what she had done. He looked down at her.

The expression of drunken lust on her face morphed into panic. She shook her head. “It’ll grow back. I’m sorry. I thought you would like it. I should have asked first.”

He pressed a finger to her lips to shush her as he looked back down to see her bare lips again. “Stand up for me,” he instructed in a hoarse voice.

She timidly climbed off of his lap and stood on the third step. The absence of her body’s heat against the weeping head of his cock was now in second place to his curiosity and need to inspect his wife’s shaved flesh. Her suit folded back over the naked delta of her pussy as she stood, utopia just a mere inch above the water.

“Take it off.”

She swallowed and removed the suit bottom. Her blue gaze avoided his as she quickly folded it and placed it on the side of the pool. Jesus Christ, had she gotten more beautiful. How long had it been since he allowed himself to look at her in her naked glory like this? He was a fucking moron for not looking at her like this every day. Fuck that, every hour. He knew if he asked her she would do it too. If he said he thought that would be something he would like she would undress like clockwork for him.