Page 102 of Breaking Perfect

She opened her mouth and Sean locked his hands behind him. He was forcing himself to hold back. In the past, Sean would have grabbed a woman’s hair and held her to him as he fucked her mouth, but his restraint showed he was still aware of her comfort no matter how much he growled like a beast. Liberty’s mouth closed over him.

“Deeper! Suck it all. Don’t make me fuck your mouth like I did your cunt.”

Her eyes shut and she leaned in. Her dainty fingers wrapped around the outside of Sean’s rugged thighs as her head began to bob up and down. Sean’s head tipped back and he grunted. “Yes. That’s it. Suck it like you mean it.”

She began to move faster at his words, and his hips occasionally jerked forward as if beyond their own volition. Mason noticed wetness spiking Liberty’s lashes where her eyes pressed tightly closed and knew she was pushing herself to do as he asked. He wanted to tell her she’d done enough and been wonderful, but knew she would resent his interference. She needed to prove this to herself as much as they both wanted to prove it to Sean.

Mason’s gaze crawled over her body as fierce possession took hold of him. Remnants of her arousal slid down the inside of her thighs. They were close enough that he could smell the scent of sex seeping from both their pores. It was intoxicating and he had to fight to remain seated, stay physically apart from what he was being forced to witness. He so wanted to join them.

The muscles in Sean’s tanned neck bunched and corded. His abs trembled as his toes curled over the carpet. He was fighting it.

“Stop,” Sean growled.

Liberty froze, Sean’s cock balanced on the pillow of her lower lip. Her eyes opened wide and she looked up to him and waited.

“I told you I wanted you to take it all. Now do it. Take me to the back of your throat.”

She swallowed. Her pink tongue flicked past her lips. Hardly moving, she nodded. Still looking up at him she slowly closed her mouth over him once more and began taking him deep to the back of her throat.

She moved up and back a few times to slick her way and when she forced herself to take him to the hilt Mason saw her shoulders tense and knew she was struggling, her throat likely working to reject Sean’s intrusion. She tried again and her body reflexively jerked away. Her eyes began to tear. She sat back on her knees to catch her breath.

Mason gritted his teeth. Liberty didn’t like being unable to do things. He could see this frustrated her. Rather than praise her for trying, Sean shook his head, and cupped her jaw.


She did.

Sean’s hips pumped in quick succession over her tongue. He held her face in a way that allowed her little movement or control, but Mason recognized the gentleness of his grip. He was incapable of hurting her, just as Mason knew. Sean’s other fist gripped his length and pumped his cock hard in and out of her mouth. Suddenly he stumbled back.

“Lean back. Spread your pussy wide for me.”

Liberty, with jerky motions, moved to do as he asked.

“Wider. I wanna see that little pink hole.”

Mason’s hands tightened on the arms of the chair at the sound of Sean’s crassness. Liberty held herself open and Sean pumped his fist rapidly over his flesh and grunted out his pleasure. The first ribbon of cum landed directly on the delta of her pussy.

“Rub it in,” Sean demanded. Liberty blinked, and then comprehended. Her fingers moved over her clit and she rubbed Sean’s semen into her sex. The next two shots landed on the flat of her belly.

Sean was breathing heavily and staring at the ceiling. Mason waited, taking in the scene for his next move. Something in the energy of the room changed. Liberty wouldn’t climax, not because she was being denied, but because something distracted her. He saw the compassion welling in his wife’s eyes. Her fingers slowly stopped moving and returned to her sides. She sat, bathed in another man’s cum, spread in a position of complete deference.

Sean’s breath echoed through the study. He finally looked down and Mason took no pleasure in seeing Sean’s regret in what he’d wrought. His features twisted. Mason knew Sean’s conscience battled with shame and his stubbornness insisted he show no regret, but this wasn’t a proud moment.

His jaw ticked as he looked down at Liberty who was no longer looking at him, but had lowered her gaze to the floor. Mason’s head was angled in her direction, but his eyes strained up at Sean, waiting. Sean’s eyes glazed with unshed tears and Mason felt the moment Sean regretted asking for an audience for such a vile display of coldness. Coldness that was artificial when in reality Sean was incapable of intimacy without emotion.