Page 82 of Magic Flame

I sighed. I created the situation this time. But good luck figuring out the real Marigold, old boys.

Axel gave up first. He was the youngest amongst the demigods, so it wasn’t a shocker his patience didn’t last.

“Which is the original one?” he demanded. “I don’t want to fuck a clone. I want the real Cookie.” He waved a hand at his bonded brothers. “You guys go ahead and pick a random one. You might not tell the difference, but I will. Cookie, come to me. I found you first in the Crack. You’re alwaysminefirst.”

Paxton snarled at Axel.

Zak and Héctor ignored the others but studied every one of me and studied our moves, categorizing, analyzing, and calculating.

“I won’t bite,” all four Marigolds purred.

Then the demigods all felt it—the pulsing mating bond between us.

“They’re all her.” Zak sucked in a breath. “My Rosebuds. How?”

My other mates no longer narrowed their eyes at all me. Instead, their lips tilted up in wicked delight.

“Of course we’re all me,” I said in four voices. “I split into four of me in the Eternal Prison to claim all of you. However, boys, this is a one-time treat because splitting my atoms consumes tremendous energy and will give me a hangover afterward. You can have me now, or you’re welcome to pass on the offer.”

My mates lunged at me.

Paxton grabbed one of me, darting a wild glance at the other demigods, pulling his lips up into a half-snarl to warn the others not to come near his Marigold. He carted me to a broad, leather sofa, surrounding us with ice walls. Then he kissed me hard, his hands roaming as he quickly undressed me. I kissed him back, just as fierce and demanding, until he flipped me around. The sea demigod thrust into me from behind and beneath, exactly how animals fucked.

He pounded into me hard, with accelerated, short thrusts, his cock growing larger as it drove into my molten core. I felt every inch of his delicious, hard length stretching me, thrusting in me, and claiming me. Cocooned inside his asteroid of ice, I moaned in ecstasy.

Héctor scooped up another Marigold and carried me straight to the bath chamber. He kicked the door shut, his death light tracing along the doorframe to guard our little world.

He undressed us both with merely a thought and put me into a whirlpool Jacuzzi that brimmed with warm water and rose petals. Dark forest extended outside the warded double-windows.

Héctor followed me into the tub. He lifted me effortlessly and placed me on the marble, my back against the wall. He dropped a knee to the water, heaved my ankles onto his massive, hard muscled shoulders, and stared at my bare pussy in dark obsession.

I thrust my dripping-wet cunt toward him.

A harsh male groan rumbled in his chest, and the demigod rammed his granite hard cock into my heat.

No foreplay. Not even a kiss. The floating roses were for mood and decoration. Héctor went straight to the point to fuck me, and I liked it. He would come to his senses and romance me and bathe me after he ravaged me and sated his primal lust.

He thrust into me roughly with his death demigod’s raw strength. Joy blossomed in me at his every brutal thrust. His touch was death to others, but fire to my ice, and fuel to my flame.

I moaned and gasped as pleasure rocked me, drowning me. My hands grabbed his thick hair, pulling him toward me. I could be as brutal as him and I’d show him soon how a Titan girl fucked, but right now I totally enjoyed being fucked by a savage demigod.

Axel held a hand out to another Marigold, his amber eyes glowing golden light, his face distorted by rough, male lust. I put my trembling fingers in his hand, my heart pounding erratically, and followed his lead to the foyer.

Before we reached the stairs, he spun and pinned me against the cold wall, moonlight shining through the window, backlighting the war demigod and making him look almost like a handsome demon.

A wild wind formed a shield around us as Axel slanted his mouth over mine, and our breath mingled. My knees went weak for him. When I parted my lips, his tongue invaded my mouth, sweeping, thrusting, and tasting me. A tingling sensation buzzed on my skin.

I writhed as his large body caged me. My hand cupped his huge erection through the fabric of his trousers before freeing his cock.

His hurried hand inserted into my shirt, rolled it up, and grabbed my breast that needed to be fondled. His other hand tore my pants apart. The war demigod had a penchant for destroying my clothes, but at the moment, I didn’t have the presence of mind to chide him. I was a goner and desired him more than anything.

He didn’t rip off my lacy panties, mostly because he bought them for me. He gave them a satisfied look, his gaze glued on the thin strand along my pussy. It was an arousing sight, but I wouldn’t suggest wearing this type of thong on a working day. I was speaking from experience as cream dripped from my sex and streamed down my legs.

Axel growled in approval.

He hooked my leg onto his forearm when I peered down at his jutted cock I freed from his trousers. His beautiful dick jerked aggressively, a bead of pre-cum forming on its slit.

My breath hitched. My face burned.