Page 70 of Magic Flame

The sentinels and the Titans turned and fled toward the gate. The ones who chose to stay and fight were soon swarmed by my monsters.

And that left only the gods for us to take care of.

“Unleash your true Flame now, daughter!” Mom called.

While I held off the gods to test the Living Flame, I’d learned how utterly destructive my Flame was. It was meant to undo the worlds and snuff out the stars with gods and every being in them.

This great power would tempt and change me. Power corrupts, and the original gods were a prime example. I blew out a breath, hesitating.

“Trust yourself, Belle,” Mom said. “It’s time.”

“We trust you, love.” Héctor encouraged.

My mates nodded, forming a protective circle around me.

I had to end this fight.

I let myself free fall and unleashed the Living Flame.

Then I was flying among the stars, competing with the speed of light and running in parallel with time. I was no longer flesh and bones.

I was more. So much more. I had a galaxy of brilliant stars whirling inside my Flame, seeking comfort and whispering secrets.

I could destroy, and I could create.

Right now, I could turn the gods and the Titans, every single one of them, to dust.

I considered my prey with a detached emotion, but then I thought of my mates.

Would I make them orphans? Blood ties don’t define family. But I might still show mercy to my enemies for my mates’ sake. Their psychopathic fathers were power-hungry and malicious and callous, but they were still my mates’ fathers.

I could unmake the gods and the worlds, yet I chose mercy because I could.

Screams, shouts, and curses hollered around me. Mom laughed viciously and victoriously.

My body was gone. In its place was a flaming wind twirling like rainbows of star light and fire.

“Where’s my mate?!” Héctor roared, hacking at the gods’ force field with his sword and wings. “What did you do to my Lamb, fuckers?”

Zak, Paxton, and Axel joined his onslaught in blind, icy rage.

“Call your hellion off!” Hades screamed, his once-terrifying death light waving weakly and fading.

“What is she doing to us?” Poseidon screeched in pain. “She’s diminishing us. She’s the world-eater and gods-eater! No! No! No!”

“Yes!” Mom threw her head back and laughed, her silver wings out and radiating. “Behold my daughter! Behold the glory of the Princess of the Void!”

Her maiden warriors lifted their spears into the air and started singing a song of battle and glory. “Our Princess! Our Princess!” they chanted.

Everyone was bat-shit crazy.

Zeus wielded his scepter frantically. “Stop! I command you. Stop and all will be forgiven. You have my word—”

Lightning winked out in his eyes. The thunder rumbled weakly and vanished in my Flame.

The flaming wind spun around the gods, peeking at the fear in their eyes.

“I see prey.” The wind carried my voice. “For my mates, I won’t kill you. I’ll give you the same mercy you bestowed on your forebears.”