Page 61 of Magic Flame

But my other mates caught me and held me in an iron grip.

“I can’t lose him again,” I sobbed. “This is my fault. I got him into this because I wanted—I must go find him. Let me go!”

“You won’t lose me, Lamb, or any of your mates,” Héctor’s rich, chivalrous voice sounded. He landed on the platform, his massive black wings spreading to their full, glorious length. His signature death light, streaked with a new flame, danced in his thick hair, playing with his locks.

Joyful tears brimmed in my eyes and a sob escaped my throat.

My Héctor was a demigod again.

He grinned at me, so sexy and manly that I wanted to shove him down and ride him wildly right there with my other mates watching.

“Our powers are back,” Zak announced, lightning flashing in his blue eyes.

“We’re back, babe.” Axel laughed with me.

My wings vanished as I felt safe in the arms of my mates.

“We did it,” I said, wiping my tears away with the back of my hand before my mates fought to lick them away.

This wasn’t the time for that.

Héctor stalked toward me, and Paxton grabbed me to him.

“I didn’t mate Buttercup properly in that fucking jail,” Paxton said urgently. “I need another round to make it right. You three can guard at the edge while we’re at it.”

“That’s not fair,” Axel hissed his objection. “I should go first. I haven’t touched Cookie for a long time. It hurts. Don’t forget I’m the one who saw her first. Without me bringing her to our fold, none of you would ever have had a chance of laying your uncouth fingers on her.”

He’d regretted introducing me to Half-Blood Academy. He’d admitted that if he knew the other demigods would take a great interest in me, he’d have hidden me.

“Give my Lamb to me,” Héctor demanded, his wings arching aggressively behind his back, his hands balling into fists at his sides.

Really?Really?They were picking a fight again after we’d just had a spectacular, touching moment? They could shift moods just like that? Maybe they shouldn’t have their demigod powers back.

I looked at them wildly, biting my lip.

“Now isn’t time for any mating,” Zak said with the voice of reason, yet his heated gaze on me betrayed his male need for me, too. “We must get out of here. Our mate’s safety is always our top priority.”

The mention of my safety seemed to clear the mating frenzy in my mates and cool their heads.

“Zak’s right,” Héctor said. “We need to rein it in and behave for our mate’s sake. Thank you for gifting me a piece of your demigod essence, brothers. I owe you one.”

He reached out to lay his hands on his bonded brothers, but they each dodged his touch with a flinch.

“No offense, bro,” Paxton said. “Now that your power is back, your death touch is gonna hurt like a bitch.”

“We’ll find you a pair of gloves,” Zak offered.

“I don’t mind his death touch,” I declared to my other mates. “So I’m going to give it a test-drive.”

I tossed myself into Héctor’s arms, my legs sneaking around his waist, and kissed him hard. Héctor chuckled against my lips in pure male satisfaction.

His touch was life and fire to me. I bloomed under his death touch, and I was still the only woman my Héctor could touch. Color me selfish, but I liked it this way.

I tore my lips away from the death demigod and twisted my torso to gaze at my other mates with passion and love. “Listen to my beloved Zak. Let’s get the hell out of here, boys.”

A smile lit up Zak’s face, which made my core tighten.

“Why am I not a beloved?”Axel grumbled.