Page 26 of Magic Flame

“Anyone who dares to have his dick out while my lamb is present will have to live without one,” Héctor growled.

“Good to know,” I murmured. “At least my men don’t hold double standards as most men on Earth do.”

The females still shook their boobs and swayed their hips as they approached us. Now that they were closer, I could see the bottom part of their sex since their short skirts rode up.

“Put some damn pants on, women,” I snarled at them. “Or at least wear fucking grandma panties.”

Even though Zak and Héctor had made it clear that they didn’t consider these females eye candy, I still didn’t want them swinging their tits in my mates’ faces.

The gorgeous leading female dropped to one knee in front of me, and all the other females followed suit.

“Crystal Pelton and all Her Majesty’s handmaids at your service, Your Highness,” she said with a sultry voice. “We’ll change our attire if it’s not your taste.”

“It’s not my taste, nor my mates’ taste either,” I said testily.

“Gotcha.” She smiled at me. “Welcome home, Princess Belle Marigold Celeste.”

They knew who I was. They’d been waiting for me.

So this realm was ruled by Mom.

At least, we wouldn’t have to fight our way in, but that didn’t mean danger didn’t lurk in the shadows. In my experience, danger might be even more likely, because men always put their guards down around naked, beautiful women, even my mates.

I stole another glance at Héctor as a sudden thought occurred to me. As a mortal, Héctor could now touch any woman he liked.

Uncertainty and new sorts of anxiety twirled in my belly.

“Are my two other mates, Axel and Paxton, inside the tower, Crystal?” I asked.

“Yes, Your Highness,” Crystal said, her smile brightening as her gaze found Héctor. I couldn’t stop other women from gawking at my mates, could I? I shouldn’t be that petty, right? A lot of beings called me bitch already, but I didn’t like how she looked at my Héctor as if he was her candy and she wanted to lick him.

I snapped my fingers. “Look here, Crystal. You were talking to me. You weren’t talking to him.”

“Sorry, Princess.” Crystal had the nerve to wink at me. “Axel and Paxton are enjoying nymphs and succubi provided by Her Majesty.”

“Enjoy? What the actual fuck?” I cried.

A stab of jealousy impaled me from my groin to the center of my heart, and blinding rage beat in me like vicious wings.

Thanks, Mom! Thanks very much! That’s the way to treat your own daughter!

Should I find Axel and Paxton cheating on me, I’d stick my half-wet boots right into their unfaithful demigod asses before I dumped their sorry asses for good. They could stay in this realm forever, enjoying these loose nymphs and bimbo succubi for all I cared. I still had Zak and Héctor. They wouldn’t betray me. I’d lead the two of them out of the Void and we’d go see the world beyond.

But in truth, I did care. I cared with all my heart and soul, and the rational, cool part of me ordered me to cool my tits and reminded me how it had ended the last time I’d trailed Axel, believing he was going to do Brittney behind my back.

“I don’t need you to kneel,” I scolded them, waving for the handmaids to get to their feet. “Take me to my mates. Now!”

“You’re as mean as they said.” Crystal rose to her feet and smirked at me.

I had to control myself not to slap the smug smile off her pretty face. My mates’ virtue was in danger. How dared she smile at that?

She turned and swayed her hips in big, sexy swings, and I lost my shit.

I lunged and shoved her forward hard. “Stop fucking waving your big ass and hurry the fuck up!”

Zak blinked and Héctor chuckled.

Crystal whimpered, but she quickened her paces, not wanting me to do something worse than shoving her. Yep, I had a mean streak and a worse reputation. But I doubt any chick would be nicer than me when seeing other females trying to seduce her men right in front of her.