Page 80 of Magic Fury

“I’m only going to the bathroom,” I said when he gripped me. “Nature calls. I’ll return soon.”

He squeezed my butt before he let me go.

I gave his long, massive, perfect male body one more glance, desire burning through me all over again. I’d come back to ride him after a brief lesson from the elemental.

The elemental had warned me not to return, but this was an emergency. He would understand my current dire situation, and for the sake of our kinship, I was confident that he’d receive me once more.

Just as I headed toward the stairs, I felt a tug. I wrapped my silk robe around me and grabbed Héctor’s dagger. This would have to do.

If I went to the master bedroom to get my formal outfit and gear, the demigods would know what I was up to and stop me. I’d been hiding the secret existence of the elemental from them as well, but I couldn’t betray my kin, not even to my demigods.

It was just one more dark secret.

The tug of magic grew stronger as if the elemental had sensed my desperate need and reached out to me in return. It was so powerful that none of the walls or wards here could cut off our esoteric connection.

I was its kin after all.

Run, child, run!A voice warned in my head.

Run to where?

I’d tried to run from the Academy and the demigods in the beginning, but in the end, I’d run into their arms.

So, I’d run to the tree, seek advice, and run back to my mates.

In the middle of the staircase where none of the demigods could spot me, I teleported.




Istood between thepond and the ancient, gigantic tree. A black swan led her offspring to glide on the blue water, not aware or caring that war might come to the Academy soon.

Wind shuffled the soft leaves of the willow trees and flapped the hem of my robe.

To my surprise, the tree trunk was already open from the center. All the tiny hairs on my neck suddenly stood up—unlike last time when I’d stumbled into the portal—as if my magic sensed an ominous presence.

Run, child, run!The elemental cried in my head.

It was in big trouble.

I could not abandon it.