Page 55 of Magic Fury

There was such heat in his eyes that my pulse spiked and my nipples tightened. The image of his cock thrusting wildly inside me played in my head. I licked my lips, and all the demigods stared at my mouth.

When he returned, we could have some hot action. Maybe I’d even have the three of them at the same time.

“What kind of havoc?” I asked, trying to play cool.

A light amusement sparked in Paxton’s violet eyes. He looked too damn hot for his own good, and I tried to get my pulse under control.

“It’s better that you don’t know about it, Buttercup,” he said.

I paused, then put on a cool expression while sipping my wine. I wasn’t going to flirt with him in front of everyone.

The other demigods had been wondering what had transpired between Paxton and me. I didn’t attack him like a bulldog anymore and he’d acted like my best friend ever since he’d stopped Loki from dragging me to Hell.

“While they’re in Paris stirring shit,” Héctor said, “I’ll accompany you on a field trip tomorrow.”

My eyes brightened, and I beamed at him.

Everyone had been talking about this field trip for an entire week. It had been the headmistress Esme’s idea.

I’d had one demonology class with her. Fortunately, it wasn’t one-on-one. When she spoke Demonic, teaching us the demon’s language, she didn’t even have an accent. It was as if she’d been born in Hell.

I’d sniffed at her hard. There was no demon blood in her veins.

I could no longer doubt that part of my heritage; the demon tongue sounded like a native language to me. But I could never let anyone know that.

During the class, she checked on me a few times from the corners of her eyes. I kept my reactions in check, acting just like the other students—sometimes looking confused and sometimes disgusted at the guttural pronunciations.

The class was mixed in ages and ranks, attendants selected by Esme. It seemed that she planned to send the graduates from this class to either Earth’s other half or Hell as spies. No one looked eager, least of all me. The fact that she’d included me, a first-year, had set off alarms in my head.

Esme had lots of new ideas lately. Her newest one was to take the first-years to the border of demon-controlled Queens and demigod-controlled Brooklyn, so we’d have firsthand experience of what it meant to be living in the Great Merge, where Hell dwelled on the other half of Earth.

I didn’t like the idea of meeting any demons, but I might have to get used to dealing with and fighting off the species if I survived my dark secret. After all, I’d been brought to the Academy to be trained as a soldier.

Even though part of me felt uneasy, I looked forward to this trip because the first-years from the Other Academy would be joining us. I would see Circe and Jasper soon. I missed my old coven. I hadn’t had time to hang out with them because of the drama with Ares and my rigorous training schedule.

The demigods had eliminated the enforced separation between the two academies, and we were free to mingle with each other now. Based on that unprecedented reform, the headmistress had pushed it further and was sending the first-years from both academies on a field trip. So we’d learn to work together during the expedition.

Héctor would accompany me, but Axel would have to stay at the base.

According to the god’s contract with the devil, if two or more demigods appeared at the same warzone, Lucifer would send all his archdemons out to combat them.

“After the trip, I’ll need to feed you, lamb,” Héctor said with heat in his eyes.

I flushed as I gazed at them—all hot, gorgeous, and desirable.

Mates.The word rolled off my tongue like honey from the heavens.