He laughed at that. “My sister can say the same about our father. Go, go,” he urged. “Persuade away and then perhaps you’ll let me persuade you to take a ride in the park with me.”

Except that after Sophie was successful with Papa, she’d be heading over to Chatham House to rescue her poor cousin. Most likely. “Tomorrow?” she asked, hopefully.

Mr. Greywood sighed, but agreed with a nod. “Perhaps your powers work on more than just your father, Miss Hampton.”

He was charming, wasn’t he? Sophie smiled, wished Mr. Greywood a good day, and then followed Cassie into the corridor.

“Honestly,” she whispered once they were far enough away from the parlor to not be overheard. “Do watch what you say when a gentleman is calling on me, Cassandra Hampton.”

Cassie blinked at her. “What did I say?”

“That I have the power of persuasion.”

“You do.” Cassie’s brow creased. “No one can get Papa to do things except you.”

Sophie was generally more successful than anyone else. Actually, she couldn’t really remember a time Papa had ever told her no, but that was not the point. “Yes, well, saying something like that in front of Mr. Greywood makes it sound as though I go around manipulating people.”

“That’s not what I said.”

“That’s what it sounded like,” Sophie replied. “So, do watch your tongue. I doubt he’d be willing to be brought up to scratch if he thinks I’m manipulative.”

Cassie heaved a sigh. “I believe you think men put more thought behind the meaning of words than are actually there. That, my dear sister, is something women do, not men.”

Sophie frowned at her sister. “Are you an authority on what men think?”

“Apparently more so thanyouare.” And with that, Cassie tipped her hair over her shoulder in a very dramatic fashion and abandoned Sophie in front of their father’s study.

It was quite possible that Cassandra was the most frustrating sister in the world. Of course, she would seem as such in contrast to Charlotte who was always in the sweetest disposition.

Having reached her father’s study, Sophie released a sigh and then knocked on the door.

“What now?” Papa sounded in a snit.

“It’s me, Papa,” she called evenly.

“Ah, Sophia! Come in, come in, my dear.”

She pushed the door open and stepped inside her father’s study, and Papa pushed to his feet upon her entrance.

“I thought you were talking with Charlotte,” she began, walking toward her father’s desk.

His light eyes narrowed slightly. “I do hope you’re not going to pick up where she left off.”

That was exactly why Sophie was there. “Well, that depends, Papa. Where did she leave off?”

At that, a smile spread across his lips. “You are incorrigible.”

Which, she suspected, was one of the things he liked best about her. “Did Charlotte ask you if our cousin could stay with us for a time?”

Papa heaved a sigh. “I am not of a mind to do battle with Chatham, Sophie. It never ends up well for anyone who does so.”

“But Priscilla doesn’t have anyone left whocanfight for her, Papa.”

“By all accounts, Chatham adores her. I’m certain she’ll be just fine where she’s at.”

Sophie’s brow lifted in surprise. “Do you honestly believe that? If it was Cassie, Charlotte or me, instead, do you believe any of us would be just fine with Grandfather and Hellsburg?”

Papa winced slightly.