“He always says yes to you,” Mama agreed with a sigh. “Your father isn’t the issue, Sophie,myfather is.”

“Show Cassie that you are not weak in constitution, Mama,” Sophie said. “Show her that a little bravery can go a long way.”

“She could share my chambers,” Charlotte offered.

Mama looked from Sophie to Charlotte and back. “You’ll have to get your father to agree first.”

Sophie pushed to her feet. “Consider it done, Mama.”

But just as she was about to start for the corridor, Ames, their butler, appeared in the threshold. “Miss Hampton, Mr. Greywood is here to see you.”

“He’shere?” she nearly squeaked.

Blast it all!

Every bit of bravado that had been swirling around Sophie evaporated into the air. Mr. Greywood! She hadn’t thought at all about what she’d say to him when she saw him next. What if he said something to Papa about last night? What if he said something to anyone?

Charlotte winced slightly while Mama and Cassie looked immediately concerned.

“Is something wrong with Mr. Greywood?” Mama asked. “I thought you liked him.”

Sophie quickly shook her head. “No, no. He’s quite wonderful. He’s just stopping me from talking to Papa is all.”

“I’ll do my best with Papa,” Charlotte offered, and the expression she sent Sophie was one of complete sisterly support. What would she ever do without Charlotte?

Nausea washed over Sophie as she stepped into the yellow parlor. Mr. Greywood was staring out the window to Park Street below, his hands clasped behind his back. Goodness, he had the power to destroy her, at least socially.

Sophie gulped before saying, “Good morning, Mr. Greywood.”

He spun on his heel and smiled at her. “Forgive me for calling so early, Miss Hampton, I needed to assure myself that you were perfectly well.”

“How attentive you are.” She sent him her sweetest smile as guilt swamped her, but she didn’t feel guilty enough to admit the truth about the previous evening. No, no, it was much better to play innocent than to admit anything even slightly scandalous.

“Did you have a pleasant evening?” he asked, his brown eyes narrowing slightly.

Honestly, he should realize she wasn’t going to admit to anything, be the gentleman she knew him to be, and stop asking such pointed questions. Sophie breezed her way toward the settee. “Indeed, we had a grand time at the Hemington musicale. I always love spending time with Lady Chloe.”

“And after that?”

Well, after that, she and her sisters had overheard that awful conversation between their parents in her father’s study, which was the last thing she’d tell him. “After that?” she echoed as she dropped onto the settee.

“How was your evening after that?”

Sophie had three choices – continue feigning innocence, go on the offensive and put him in his place, or own up to her actions the night before. The last option was not…well, not an option she was going to consider. So which of the first two would most quickly gain her the result she was looking for? If she wanted him to continue courting her, the first option would have to do. “To be completely honest,” she lied, “all of my evenings the last sennight have been much the same. Mama has been quite upset over her brother’s death, and my sisters and I have tried to be a strength for her, keeping her entertained and her mind off such unpleasantness.”

Mr. Greywood’s face fell slightly. “I am terribly sorry,” he said as he assumed the spot beside her. “I hadn’t realized Lady Beckbury was close with Lord Aylesford.” And then he shook his head. “I’m sorry. That didn’t come out as I meant it to.”

And the truth was, Mama had not been close to her brother, but Mr. Greywood did not need to know that. Sophie shook her head in response. “No, no, there’s nothing for you to apologize for. I am sorry if I’ve not seemed myself of late.”

He smiled at her then, a warm smile that matched the kindness of his eyes. “As long as all is well with you and you’re not in any sort of trouble.”

The only trouble she’d be in was if he told anyone he’d seen her at the Albany in trousers the night before.

“Sophie!” Cassie burst into the parlor. “Charlotte did poorly with Papa. She doesn’t have the same power of persuasion over him that you do.”

Mr. Greywood’s brow lifted at that. “Do you have a power of persuasion overallmen, Miss Hampton?”

Blast Cassie for saying something like that. She knew Sophie was meeting with Mr. Greywood. “Would that I did,” she said airily as she pushed back to her feet. “Alas, my powers only seem to work with Papa.”