Page 86 of A Scandalous Ruse

Greg laughed. “Everyone aboard Bellamy’s barque has been calling you that for days.”

Which was true. “But now it will actually be my name.”

“Bella, I’ve had an idea ever since we arrived in Edinburgh.”

“Oh?” she asked.

“I think I will take Simon up on his offer and buy into his shipping company after all.”

“Indeed?” Bella blinked at him. Where in the world had that come from? Greg didn’t seem even remotely interested in his friend’s offer when they were in London.

He nodded. “Actually, I think Simon will be quite put out with me when he learns I’ve absconded with his merchant ship, but he’s the one who’s urged me to return to my reckless ways.”

“We’re absconding with his ship?” Had he lost his mind?

Greg nodded and his green eyes twinkled happily. “I’m going to tell Bellamy that we have to head to Florence to meet with another set of investors.”

“Florence?” Bella’s mouth fell slightly open.

“Didn’t you want to go to Florence?”

She nodded quickly. “Yes, but—”

Greg shrugged. “I think if I am a partner in Heaton and Masters I should be allowed to take my wife to Florence before returning home. And if Heaton and Masters disagree, they can reject my offer once we return to London.”

Bella threw her arms around his neck. “Greg, you are reckless,” she said before peppering kisses across his neck.

“Ah!” came a voice from the front of the chapel. “I see ye are ready to be married.”

Bella dropped her arms from Greg and spun back around. Hamish McCloskey stood near the front pulpit with a man who must be his father. They had the same almond shape to their eyes and the same overly round nose.

“Vicar McCloskey?” Greg asked, linking his arm with Bella’s and leading her toward the two Scots.

“Aye,” the man said, eyeing them both suspiciously. “My son says ye’re here to be wedded.”

“If you would be so kind as to do the honors,” Greg replied.

But Vicar McCloskey frowned slightly. “Any reason ye canna wait for the banns to be read?”

“It would make eloping much more difficult,” Greg said with a grin.

The Scottish vicar did crack a smile at that. “Ye passed Gretna some time back, sir.”

“Indeed,” Greg agreed, “but I am quite happy to make a donation to your parish…”

“No need to add bribery to whatever yer sins are.” The vicar shook his head. Then he glanced at his son. “Go grab Angus. We’ll need both of ye to serve as witnesses.”

As the man’s son hastened from the chapel, Greg offered his hand to the vicar. “Thank you, Mr. McCloskey.”

“My Hamish says yer friend saved my brother’s life. It wouldna be right to turn ye away.” Then he gestured to the doorway to his office. “Ye can come in there and write yer names for me so I doona mess them up.”

Bella released a sigh she didn’t know she was holding. “Thank you, sir.”

The vicar flashed her a smile before he started for the doorway he’d just indicated.

“Actually, Mr. McCloskey,” Greg began, “my bride and I do need to pen a couple of letters. Do you have a bit of foolscap you could let us have?”

Then the vicar laughed. “Foolscap isna cheap, Englishman. For a couple o’ sheets, I’ll let ye make a donation to the parish.”