Page 63 of A Scandalous Ruse

“I need to talk to Prissa,” she said and stumbled to her feet.

“Certainly, you’re not going to blame your sister,” her grandfather began.

“No.” She shook her head. “But I am innocent, Grandfather, I—”

“You are a disappointment, just like your brother. And considering your choice for a husband, I have no hope for your future.” He leaned back in his seat, the intensity of his glare never lessening for even a moment. “You will end this ridiculous betrothal and I will find you a suitable husband, one who will give you the guidance you are sorely lacking.”

End her betrothal? Bella’s heart tightened and the possibility of her fainting seemed much more likely all of a sudden. “I will never marry Johann!” she blurted out.

Her Grandfather’s eyes rounded in surprise. Then a mirthless smile graced his lips. “Did Aylesford tell you that?”

Papa hadn’t, and lying about it would surely come back to haunt her. So she shook her head.

“No?” Grandfather heaved a breath. “So then you’re listening at doors too, hmm? A thief and a spy, right under my own roof. You need a stronger hand than Avery could ever provide, Arabella. If you will not end things with him, I’ll see that Aylesford does.”

A wave of nausea washed over Bella as she shook her head. “Papa would never—”

“Defy me?” The old man laughed. “You and I both know he will fall in line, like he always does.”

And he very well might. But Bella couldn’t let that happen. She couldn’t lose Greg, not now. She turned on her heel and raced for the door, throwing it open and rushing down the corridor toward the library. If she could just talk to Papa first, tell him about Elliott…

But Papa wasn’t in the library. Oh, no! A trickle of tears streamed down her cheeks. Where in the world could Papa be?

Chapter 19

Waitingin her chambers was a special sort of torture. Papa had apparently gone to his club. Prissa had gone to Bond Street with a friend, but she had yet to return. And Elliott…well, Bella had no idea where her brother was or when she would see him next.

She paced the length of her chambers, anger, fear and nausea warring within her. She was furious with Elliott for putting her in this situation, terrified of what it could mean for all of them, and beyond sick at just the suggestion that she might lose Greg. Would Papa really break her betrothal now? Would he be too afraid of Grandfather to help her when she needed him most? If only—

A scratch came at her door, halting her mid-pace.

“Yes?” she called.

Mary poked her head in the door and said, “Lady Priscilla has just arrived home.”

Thank heavens. Not that Prissa could solve any of these problems, but at least Bella wouldn’t be alone while she waited for Papa. And perhaps Prissa’s clearer mind might discover some solution that had evaded Bella thus far. "Thank you, Mary. Did you tell her I was looking for her?”

Her maid shook her head. “She was with Hellsburg and I thought you’d rather I not…”

Speaking of clearer heads. What would Bella do without Mary?

“I did hear her say she was headed to her chambers to change for dinner.”

Perfect. Bella could intercept her sister there. “Thank you so very much. When Papa returns home…”

“I will find you as soon as I see him.”

Bella started for the door, gave her maid’s arm an appreciative squeeze, and quickly made her way to her sister’s chambers. She reached Prissa’s quarters before her sister did, and sat tentatively on the edge of a chintz chair while she waited most anxiously.

She did not have to wait long, however. Prissa flew through the door with an air of irritation that was unusual for her saintly sister. “That horrid man,” she grumbled under her breath. But then she noticed Bella and her eyes widened in surprise. She quickly shut the door behind her and then turned around once more. “Are you hiding in here?”

“Waiting for you,” Bella said, pushing out of the chair as she truly was too nervous to sit for too long. “It’s been an awful day, Prissa.” Or it had become one, rather. The first part of the day…well, that had been the best day of her life, but now… “Grandfather discovered Grandmama’s earbobs under my mattress and accused me being a thief.”

Prissa’s hand fluttered to her heart. “Why was he searching under your mattress?”

Bella’s mouth dropped open. “Goodness. I never even thought to ask that.” She’d just been too surprised to think straight when everything unfolded in Grandfather’s study. She shook her head. “And now it doesn’t even matter. He found the earbobs and thinks I’ve been stealing, and—”

“Did you tell him it was Elliott?”