Page 53 of A Scandalous Ruse

Chapter 16

“Come now,” Tristan urged. “It’s not even a social event. You don’t have to be such a curmudgeon all the time.”

Greg glanced across the parlor at his brother and blew out a breath. “I’m not a gambler, Tris.”

His brother shook his head. “You don’t have to play if you don’t want to, but even Philip darkened the doorways of a couple hells last year when he was at his most sour.”

“I’m not sour,” Greg replied.

“Of course not,” his brother agreed. “That’s exactly what I’m saying. You’re newly betrothed and madly in love. You should be light-hearted enough to spend one evening with me without complaint.” Then he tilted his head slightly as though he was trying to sort something out. “Do you have some sort of plans with Lady Arabella? Is that it?”

“No.” Greg shook his head, and started to feel a bit like the curmudgeon Tristan had accused him of being. He did adore his brother. What was the harm in spending one night at a gaming hell? “She is kind enough not to force social gatherings on me.”

Tristan laughed. “Then you truly did find the perfect girl for you, Greg.”

The truth of it was, Greg might have done just that, but he didn’t want to think too long on that topic. It was already difficult enough to keep Bella from flitting in and out of every thought he had. With that in mind, a little distraction might be called for, actually. “One night in a hell?”

Tristan beamed. “And dare I hope a few hands of vingt-et-un?”

Greg laughed as he shook his head at his brother’s persistence. “I give you an inch...”

“And I’ll drag you kicking and screaming over the next mile until you have a decent time.” His brother’s green eyes twinkled. “But did my ears deceive me just now, Greg? Did you actually just laugh? I thought you’d forgotten how.”

Irritating brother. “It’s not too late for me to change my mind, Tris.”

Tristan chuckled softly. “I am glad to see you happy. Being in love seems to agree with you.”

* * *

Greg beggedto differ that gambling wasn’t a social event. As soon as he and Tristan stepped inside a booming gaming hell in Covent Garden, they found themselves in the middle of a throng of other gentlemen. At least there didn’t seem to be any dagger wielders in the vicinity. Of course, it was still early, he supposed.

A chorus of disappointment emanated from a Hazard table a few feet away, and Greg immediately recognized Simon, of all people, in the midst of the action. His old friend’s eyes widened in surprise when he spotted Greg. Then he pushed away from the table and started toward them.

“On my life!” Simon began. “Has the very sensible Gregory Avery actually darkened the doorway to a den of luck and chances?” Then he offered his hand to Tristan in greeting. “I’d imagine you’re behind this uncharacteristic foray, Lieutenant.”

Tristan shook Simon’s hand and said, “On the contrary, Greg’s the one dragging me out tonight, Thurlstone.”

At that, Simon tipped back his head and laughed. “And I thought you were supposed to be the most honest of all the Averys.” He turned his attention back to Greg. “I’m actually glad you’re here. I’ve been looking for you.”

Had he, indeed? “Unlikely to find me in a place like this.”

Simon shook his head. “No, not here. I do know you better than that.” He gestured to the far side of the hell where a few tables lined the walls and then started in that direction with Greg and Tristan following along beside him. “Missed you at Kelfield’s the other night. Heard your news. Wanted to offer my most heartfelt congratulations on your betrothal.”

“Heartfelt?” Greg quirked his old friend a look. “Are you not the same fellow who said that whenever a man gets married he becomes more of a bore than he had been previously?”

Simon laughed. “Did I?”

“At Tattersalls,” Greg reminded him.

His friend shrugged. “Yes, well, I can’t help if it’s true. But in your case, I can’t imagine you could become more boring, so…”

“Go bugger off,” Greg replied without heat.

“I’m simply saying,” Simon began, grinning from ear-to-ear, “that you weren’t always so sensible.” He glanced back at Tristan. “Once upon a time, your brother had quite the adventurous steak. Did you know?”

“I do remember that fellow,” Tristan said with a laugh. “I’ve even seen some evidence of him of late.”

“Indeed?” Simon chuckled. “And here I’d thought he was dead and buried somewhere.”