I’m not Phoebe. I won’t interfere in the least. I just want to revel in your genius from afar.”
“High praise, indeed.” Cordie laughed. After all, she had herself been in awe of Caroline’s matchmaking abilities over the years.
“And completely well-warranted.” Caroline’s eyes twinkled with levity. “Now out with it. What have you been up to, Cordie? That announcement last night certainly came as quite the surprise.”
There was really no harm in telling Caroline, was there? The matchmaking viscountess was trustworthy and had proven that in spades when she’d come to Cordie and Brendan’s aid a few years back. And now that Cordie thought about it, Caroline might have a pointer or two to offer should the need arise. There was certainly room for a co-conspirator in her plot. “Yes, well, as you said, I am fairly certain Lady Arabella is the perfect girl for my brother.”
“He seems to agree since he’s asked her to marry him.”
Cordie winced slightly. “Well,” she began. “would you believe their betrothal nothing but a ruse for her grandfather’s benefit?”
At that, Caroline’s hazel eyes widened in appreciation.
“At least so far,” Cordie added quickly.
“A ruse?”
Cordie shrugged. “She needed a temporary fiancé and Greg was cajoled into playing the part.”
“Indeed?” Caroline laughed with a slight shake of her head. “However did you get Avery to agree to play along with that? Neither of my brothers were ever that accommodating? Rather stubborn brutes, the pair of them.”
Greg was certainly a stubborn brute himself. Cordie giggled at the thought of anyone thinking Greg was accommodating. Then she said, “He’s doing it under the guise of repaying a debt to Brendan. But he’s my brother, Caroline, and I know he never would have agreed to play along if he hadn’t been intrigued with Bella from the very start.”
“Which he doesn’t think you know,” Caroline added with a smile.
“Of course not!” Cordie continued. “Gregory Avery would never share his inner thoughts with anyone. Quite a frustrating aspect to his personality, but there it is.”
“And you’re hoping that by the time this little ruse is over Lord Avery will be ready to make a pretend betrothal a real one and that he’ll be ready to share his inner thoughts with Lady Arabella?”
“I do.” Cordie nodded. And she truly hoped she was right. She couldn’t remember seeing Greg smile as he had done ever since Bella had entered his life. “And I’d like to see him somewhat resemble the man he used to be. The roguish, carefree one that he was once upon a time.” She shrugged. “I so want him to be happy, Caroline. It’s well past time that he was.”
At that moment, Higgins entered the parlor with a silver tea service that he placed on the small table beside Cordie.
“Thank you,” she said to her butler and then pushed out of her seat to play hostess.
As Higgins departed the parlor, Cordie poured a cup of tea for her friend. “Cream and two sugars?”
“Yes, thank you.” Caroline nodded. Then she frowned as though she was contemplating the entire situation, and she asked, “How long do you have for this ruse of yours?”
“A fortnight at the minimum,” Cordie replied, splashing a bit of cream into Caroline’s tea. Then she handed the cup and saucer to her friend. “We have until the Count of Hellsburg arrives in Town and then returns to Prussia, hopefully without Arabella at his side,” Cordie explained as she quickly fixed her own cup of tea.
“And in that time, you think Avery can be brought up to scratch?”
“I am hopeful.”
“And what about Lord Gillingham?” Caroline asked. “He seems to be a wild card in all of this, especially if his behavior last night is any indication.”
Indeed. It was difficult to plan events that might get abruptly cancelled due to Gillingham’s actions. Cordie wasn’t certain what to do about Bella’s brother. “She is painting Greg,” she said. “Gillingham won’t be around for any of those sittings.”
“True,” Caroline agreed with a nod. “Though anything can happen in public. I am headed to Bethany Carteret’s ball his evening. I’ll be happy to keep an eye on them for you.”
Cordie shook her head. “Greg has sworn off all societal functions now that he’s happily betrothed.”
A laugh escaped Caroline. “Heavens, Cordie, he is just as difficult as my brothers.”
Chapter 13
“Your sister is quitepopular today,” Bella said as Greg led her from the parlor toward a set of stairs.