Page 34 of A Scandalous Ruse

“There’s no need to thank me,” he assured her. “But as it happens, our betrothal will allow me a bit more freedom from social engagements. And so now I find my schedule to be quite clear.”

“Freedom from social engagements?” She blinked at him. Did he not enjoy such things?

“My sister-in-law has decided that I need a wife. I, however, am of a different opinion.” He led her in another turn. “She has been a nuisance ever since I arrived in Town, but now, thanks to you, my dear, she will no longer whine or beg for me to join her for various outings, and her matchmaking attempts will fall by the wayside.”

He didn’t think he needed a wife? Didn’t all gentlemen of means need one eventually? And especially a peer of the realm. Bearing heirs and spares and all that? Bella wasn’t certain why that bit of news would make her feel the slightest bit downcast, but it did.

“And I do find myself curious about your talents,” he continued as though he hadn’t crushed her spirit just a moment before. “So if you truly would like to paint me…”

“Oh, yes, yes,” she said quickly, hoping he didn’t notice that she didn’t quite sound like herself. “We can use the sitting room at Chatham House if—”

“What about your father?” he asked, frowning slightly. “I thought you didn’t like to remind him…”

“I don’t,” she agreed, “but—”

“Avery House is out of the question if you’d like to maintain your reputation after all of this,” he said with a slight frown. “Though we could meet at Clayworth House, if you’d like. You could always visit your future sister-in-law without drawing your father’s notice or society’s wrath, couldn’t you?”

Yes, she could. It was the perfect solution. Bella smiled, though she didn’t quite feel like it. Goodness, why didn’t he think he needed a wife? And why should she feel disheartened because of that fact? His need or lack thereof for a wife was no concern of hers, not really. He was doing her an enormous favor and that was all. “We could start tomorrow,” she said softly.

“I would like that very much,” he said just as the music stopped.

The Duke of Kelfield stepped up onto the dais, in front of the musicians and smiled at the assembled crowd. “Thank you, thank you all for being here this evening. My wife and I are quite happy to have you with us. But if I could have everyone’s attention for a moment.” He cleared his throat and then said a little louder, “I have been asked to make an announcement this evening. Earlier today, Lord Avery—” he gestured toward Greg and Bella, and suddenly the entire ballroom seemed to be staring at them “—a dear friend of the family, asked for Lady Arabella Winslett’s hand in marriage.”

Greg squeezed Bella’s hand. “Smile,” he whispered only loud enough for her to hear.

She did smile at him, but she was so nervous, she was afraid it came out as more of a grimace.

“I am happy to report that Lord Aylesford has given them his blessing,” Kelfield continued, smiling broadly. “Please help me congratulate the charming couple.”

And then the crowd broke out in applause, and Bella’s heart pounded so hard she thought she might faint. In an instant, they were surrounded by a throng of well-wishers and it was quite difficult to breathe, let alone carry on any sort of conversation.

* * *

Amidst the crowdswarming around them, Greg cast Bella a sidelong glance. She looked quite flush all of a sudden, so he tightened his grasp on her hand. This would be the worst of it. Once they got through this part, the rest of their betrothal would be easy. She sent him a shy smile and Greg’s heart squeezed just a bit. She did seem like such a sweet girl who was quite uncomfortable being the center of attention. Almost the exact opposite of Marina in every way.

Across the crowd, he spotted his brother and Phoebe whose mouth had fallen quite open. His sister-in-law wore an expression Greg doubted he’d ever seen on her face before. And Tristan looked just as stunned. For just a moment, he felt the tiniest bit guilty for not preparing the two of them for the announcement.

Before Greg could think more on that, however, Sarsden appeared before him and Bella, wearing an expression of amusement and disbelief all rolled into one. “I never thought you were the sort to put more thought into stocking your stables than in the selection of your bride, Avery.”

Greg would like to throttle the man, though he couldn’t do that with the audience assembled. So instead, he feigned a smile for his old schoolmate and said, “On the contrary, I knew Lady Arabella was absolutely perfect the first moment I saw her. When you stumble upon perfection, why would you keep looking elsewhere?”

“Indeed?” Sarsden didn’t look convinced in the least, which was bloody frustrating.

“Excuse us, will you?” Greg nodded toward the other side of the room. “My brother is looking for a word, it seems.” Then without waiting for the man to reply, Greg slid Bella’s hand to his arm and started to direct her through the crowd toward Tristan and Phoebe. “Are you all right?” he whispered once they were out of Sarsden’s earshot.

“I’ll be better when tonight’s over,” she said.

And Greg suspected he would be too. “Stay right with me and we’ll get through this together.”

She nodded in agreement.

Greg glanced back over his shoulder to find the infuriating viscount’s gaze quite focused on them. Damn it all. On second thought, dealing with Tristan and Phoebe at the moment may not be the best idea, not with Sarsden watching their every move. The man had seemed rather terrified of Chatham. What if he reported his suspicions to the duke in an attempt to gain His Grace’s favor. That seemed a very real possibility all of a sudden. Sarsden would have to be convinced. One way or another.

With that thought in mind, Greg led Bella right past his brother and Phoebe, and right through the doors that led out onto the Kelfield balustrade. The cool air was like a balm to his flushed skin. He hadn’t even realized how stifling the ballroom had become until they’d stepped out of doors.

“You don’t want to talk to your brother?” Bella blinked up at him. “I thought…”

“Change of plans.” Damn it all. She really was so beautiful, so endearingly sweet and innocent, especially there in the moonlight, looking up at him just like that. Helping her was no hardship at all, and when all of this was over he hoped she would find someone truly worthy of her. “Sarsden is watching us through the door,” he whispered. “I think the man needs a bit more convincing.”