Page 20 of A Scandalous Ruse

“Well, I spoke with Brendan, and he’s offered to forgive you for…”

Cuckolding him? Falling in love with the man’s first wife? Getting her with child? Making a fool out of him? Whatever it was… “I don’t need his forgiveness.”

“No, you don’t. You need your own,” she said matter-of-factly. “But all I can offer is his. I do think, however, that if you were to help Lady Arabella that you might find it in your heart to forgive yourself. And nothing would make me happier than that.”

Oh, damn it all. Greg sighed.

“It would only be for a few weeks. And she’s a lovely girl. I liked her very much when he met.”


“Honestly, Greg, wouldn’t it make the rest of the season go so much more smoothly without Phoebe trying to play matchmaker?”

Oh for God’s sake. He wouldn’t have a moment’s worth of rest until he agreed. Once his sister set her mind on something, she always got her way. It was damned annoying, that. “I’ll meet her. I’m not making any promises until then.”

His sister graced him with a gleeful smile. “Of course not, Greg. One should be very cautious and practical when planning a pretend betrothal. You are quite right.”

He scowled at her. “If I agree to this madness, you’ll make certain Phoebe won’t force me to attend any more societal functions?” Freeing himself from social entanglements was the only thing he’d gain for himself with this little plan, and if he agreed to participate, he was going to get that promise at least.

“Not after Olivia’s ball tonight.”

For the love of God.

“Honestly, Greg, it will be perfect. We can go to Chatham House this morning, you can ask for Lady Arabella’s hand, and tonight we can make the announcement at Olivia’s ball. Doesn’t that sound grand?”

His sister had a completely different idea of what constituted the word grand than Greg did. “I said I would meet her. I haven’t made any other promises.”

“Yes, yes,” Cordie said breezily. “But I’m certain you’ll adore her as much as I do, and then we’ll make the announcement this evening.”

Chapter 6

Bella closed her left eye, studying her canvas. The willow tree was too close to the center, drat it all! She heaved a sigh. She’d have to make it work. Starting over, getting a new canvas was wasteful. Mostly though, it was difficult. She always tried to keep her painting expenses to a minimum. The less she bought, the less Papa saw of her expenditures in that area, the less she reminded him of her mother.

She picked up her paintbrush, dabbling with the idea of adding a bit to the right side of the tree. A scratch sounded on the door, startling Bella and she dropped her brush to the floor. Perfect! A green paint stain on her rug! If Papa saw that…

Bella dropped to the floor beside the stain to better assess it. “Come,” she called half-heartedly.

Her door opened and Mary rushed inside. Her maid halted in her step, however, when she saw Bella on her knees. “My lady!” she admonished.

“Hurry, Mary. Get my spirit of turpentine. We might be able to clean it so no one finds out.”

“Lady Arabella, you have callers,” Mary said, sounding slightly aghast.

“Callers?” Bella turned her full attention on her maid. She never had callers. Never. She couldn’t remember the last time she did, actually.

“Lady Clayworth and Lord Avery.”

Lady Clayworth! She’d come already? That was a surprise. And Lord…Avery? That name sounded slightly familiar. Wasn’t Lieutenant Avery the nice fellow who’d dragged Elliott from the Astwicks’ ballroom, a few nights ago?

“Oh heavens!” She glanced down at the smock, covering her dress. “Untie me, will you?” she asked, rising back to her feet.

Mary crossed behind Bella. “I’ll get the paint from the rug before anyone is the wiser,” she said as she untied the smock from Bella’s neck and then waist.

“Oh, thank you.” What would she do without Mary?

“Just hurry, my lady. I don’t know what you’re up to, but I have a feeling you’d rather see your callers before His Grace does.”

Bella sucked in a slight breath. What if Grandfather frightened Lady Clayworth and Lord Avery away? The thought hadn’t entered her mind until now. “Excellent point.” After all, her grandfather could scare anyone away, even the bravest of soldiers, she was certain. Bella hastened toward the threshold without a glance backward for her maid.