Page 14 of A Scandalous Ruse

“Can you find something wrong with that one?” he asked Greg.

Not at first glance. Actually, Greg liked the look of the mare. “On the contrary, she might be a very nice addition to my stables. I’d want to look at her more closely, of course.”

“No spontaneity, huh?”

Greg hadn’t been accused of that in a long time. And after the trouble his recklessness had gotten him into when he was younger, he was certain it would never be said about him again. “Much prefer being sensible in all things. Makes life less complicated.”

“Less complicated.” Simon snorted. “Oh for God’s sake, Greg,” he grumbled. “You sound as much of a bore as Sarsden, here. At that rate, you might as well find a bride and then go stick your own spoon in a wall. What is the point of living if life isn’t a grand adventure?”

“I have duties, Simon. Same as you. And being sensible makes everything easier.” Greg narrowed his eyes on his old friend.

“Easier.” Simon shook his head. “Life isn’t meant to be easy. It’s meant to be enjoyed, experienced. You used to know that. I think you’ve been hiding out in Nottinghamshire entirely too long, my friend.”

Greg had done his share of experiencing life. And he was still reeling from the aftermath of his youthful foolishness. “We’re not twenty any longer.”

At that Simon grinned. “And thank God for it, what an idiot I was at twenty.”

He might still be an idiot at thirty-two. “I’m going to go take a closer look at the Andalusian.

“By all means,” Simon chuckled. “Do be sensible, Greg, whatever you do. Make a careful and well thought-out choice.”

* * *

Bella’s stomachtwisted and turned the short distance from Hyde Park to Clayworth House on Hertford Street. She desperately needed a way out of her predicament, but revealing the awfulness of her situation to a near perfect stranger was not conducive to her health.

Lissy was in an odd mood herself. It must have been that conversation with Lord Carraway, and Bella didn’t have the first clue of how to broach that subject without getting her head bitten off. So she sat stoically on the coach bench across from Lissy, her hands folded in her lap.

In no time, they’d reached their destination and stood on the front stoop at Clayworth House. The large door opened and a grey-haired butler stood before them.

“Good afternoon, Higgins,” Lissy began brightly as she pulled Bella into the foyer alongside her. “Please inform Lady Clayworth that I’d like an audience.”

Heavens, it was more real now that they were in the countess’ home. “What if she’s not here?” Bella whispered.

After the butler shut the front door and then started down the corridor, Lissy turned her attention back to Bella. “She’s always in. Ever since she became a mother, Cordie spends nearly every waking hour doting on her son.”

“If she’s always in, she might not be able to help,” Bella said, wondering for the hundredth time why they were standing in Lady Clayworth’s house. It was ridiculous to even be here. Of course, her situation was dire. She needed to do something. “Don’t we need someone well connected? Someone—”

Lissy slid her arm around Bella’s shoulders easing her fears just a bit. “Trust me, Bella. Cordie is better connected than either of us, and she’ll know exactly what to do.”

A moment later, the butler returned to the foyer and gestured to a room right down the corridor. “Her ladyship is expecting you in the green parlor, Lady Felicity.”

“Thank you, Higgins. You are a dear.” Lissy breezed past the butler, towing Bella alongside her.

As soon as they stepped over the threshold, the beautiful and graceful Countess of Clayworth rose from her spot on a brocade settee, tossed her dark tresses over one shoulder, and rushed to greet them.

“Lissy!” The countess kissed her friend’s cheek. “What a surprise. What are you doing here?”

“I’m so glad to find you in, Cordie.” She gestured to Bella with a tilt of her head. “She needs your help.”

“My help?” Lady Clayworth’s green eyes flashed with surprise as she glanced from Lissy to Bella. “Lady Arabella, isn’t it?”

She remembered her. Was that a good thing or bad one? Had she thought Bella odd? Was that it?

“I am sorry,” Lissy began. “Bella Winslett, Cordie Clayworth.”

“We met at Lady Eccleston’s al fresco last season,” Bella said softly.

“Of course we did.” The countess smiled in return. “You wore a lilac spencer, and I remember thinking how adorable you looked in it.”