Page 78 of A Scandalous Ruse

Greg barely knew the bastard, but if Haversham had already figured him out… “Chatham will look for her at Avery House and then Clayworth’s. But I can’t imagine he would look for her here.” Greg led Bella further into the parlor. “And I need a bit of time to prepare things. You’re the only friend I’ve got in Town. Would you please hide her for me until I return?”

Simon’s eyes had rounded in surprise at all of that, and Greg suspected no one had ever asked him to hide a girl before. “Of course. Whatever you need.”

“Might I make a suggestion?” Haversham began, his shrewd eyes level on Greg.

The last thing Greg wanted was to hear anything that particular blackguard had to say, but as he was Simon’s guest… “You have one to make?”

“The longer you delay, the more chance you give Chatham of catching up to you.”

Which was true, but Greg hadn’t intended any of this. They were going to need a few things before they could leave, like his coach. That couldn’t be helped.

“Send your carriage empty to Scotland. Do so now. Let Chatham chase that if he’s of a mind, and if he catches it, then at least you won’t be on board.”

Greg frowned at the man. That sounded like a horrible plan. “No? Then where shall I be?”

Haversham gestured to Simon and said, “On one of Thurlstone’s ships.” Then he glanced at their mutual friend. “Don’t you have something in port?”

“The Magnanime is in dry dock for maintenance, but she’s seaworthy.”

“Perfect.” Haversham smiled. “Send Avery and his love to Edinburgh. Chatham won’t have a chance of catching them because he’ll be chasing an empty coach.” He glanced back at Greg. “It’s not Gretna, and you won’t find any blacksmiths ready to marry you just over the border. They much prefer for the banns to be read, but it’s not necessary for an irregular wedding. So when you get there, head for Morningside. There’s a pub, the Maiden and the Doe. Ask for McCloskey. His brother’s a vicar. Tell him Kirkburn sent you.”

“Kirkburn?” Greg echoed as his mind tried to sort through all of that information. Morningside. The Maiden and the Doe. McCloskey. What in the world?

“He knew me a long time ago, before I came into the marquessate,” Haversham explained as he shook his head. “But McCloskey will help you. He owes me a favor. You can remind him of that, if it comes to it.”

Greg released a breath, a bit in shock at the man’s quick plan and readiness to be of assistance. Twice he’d come to their aid now. There had to be some reason for it because he doubted it was out of the goodness of the man’s black heart. “Why are you helping us?” Neither Greg nor his brothers had ever been even remotely pleasant to the marquess, not after the situation with Cordie.

Haversham smiled again. “I am fortunate to count your sister amongst my most loyal of friends. She and Clayworth both. If she knew I had the chance to help you and did not…” He shrugged. “Well, I’d hate to be me should she ever find out. Besides, I do have a penance to pay, as it were. This may not right things in the karmic world, but every little bit will help.”

Whatever he meant by that.

“And then, of course, you will owe me a favor sometime in the future.”

There it was. And that statement sent a chill down Greg’s spine. How many people owed the man one favor or another? It was like making a deal with the devil, but Greg didn’t really have a choice, and Haversham’s plan did sound like it was solid. “Of course.”

“What did I tell you?” Simon asked. “Machiavellian mind. Never play chess against him.”

Something Greg would never do, not that Simon needed to warn him of that.

Then his friend started for the corridor. “I’d better rouse Captain Bellamy from whatever bed he’s found himself in. He’ll need to gather his crew.”

“Thank you,” Greg called after him.

Simon glanced back over his shoulder and flashed Greg an old familiar grin. “Just glad to see that adventurous side of you return, Avery. You had me worried for a while.”

Hopping a merchant ship and sailing away for an elopement. A month ago the suggestion would have been more than laughable. But now nothing would ever be the same. Not for him, not for Bella. She had to be terrified. Perhaps…

“Simon, one more favor, if you don’t mind,” Greg said, squeezing Bella’s hand before heading after his friend.

Chapter 25

There wasno need to be nervous, Bella kept telling herself. No one would think to look for her in Lord Thurlstone’s coach as she, Greg and the earl traveled together toward the docks. But she was nervous anyway. If they’d left before dawn, she would probably feel a bit safer, but it had taken Lord Thurlstone some time to get his merchant ship and its crew prepared to sail. And so much could have happened in those many hours.

Was it possible His Grace’s men had already caught up to Greg’s empty coach and were searching London? What if they’d figured out where she was? What if they were following them even now and stopped them before they could board the Magnanime? Or what if the duke just happened to have men searching the docks at this moment and they stumbled upon them by happenstance? Greg still had his pistol. She knew that. But if he had reason to use it, they’d all be done for.

Greg squeezed her fingers and a staggered sigh escaped her. She glanced up at him to find his green eyes focused quite intently on her. “I won’t let anything happen to you. Trust me.”

She did trust him. She’d never have jumped from the ledge at Chatham House if she didn’t. But it was so late in the day now, the duke had to be searching for her.