“Gillingham!” Greg called after the fool.
“Bugger off, Avery,” he called back over his shoulder.
Less than a moment later, Tristan came up behind Greg and clapped a hand to his back. “Well, that went well.”
Greg shook his head. “Anytime the man doesn’t get sick across my wardrobe, it could have gone worse. I probably should consider myself fortunate.”
Tristan agreed with a nod of his head. “So when you and Lady Arabella marry, you’ll hie off to Rufford Hall, and you won’t have to worry about Gillingham. He can make a fool of himself every night, but she won’t be around to see it. ”
Except Bella wouldn’t be coming to Nottinghamshire and there would be no escape for her from her social nightmare of a brother when all of this was over.
Chapter 12
The Clayworth butlerlooked a little surprised when Bella’s footman handed him an easel and canvas. Bella held onto her small valise that contained her paints and brushes, however.
“Lady Clayworth said,” she began to explain at the man’s confused expression.
But the butler cut her off. “Yes, yes, I’m to set you up in her ladyship’s sitting room.” Then he nodded toward the footman. Some silent communication, though Bella didn’t spend a moment thinking about what it might mean.
“Has Lord Avery arrived already?” Bella asked.
The butler struggled slightly as he tried to close the door with his hands quite full. “Not yet, my lady.” Then he juggled her rolled up canvas and managed to gesture toward the corridor. “Lady Clayworth is in the green parlor, if you’d like to wait with her until his lordship arrives.”
“Oh, that would be lovely,” she said.
“Very well,” the servant continued. “I’ll see that your things are set up for you in the meantime.”
“Thank you.” Bella smiled at him, placing her valise on the marble floor before promptly making her way down the corridor the butler had indicated.
Before she reached the parlor, however, feminine voices flowed into the corridor…
“No, no. I hope Greg’s very happy, and she does seem like a nice girl—”
Bella stopped where she stood. They were talking about Greg and her?
“—I’m just surprised, is all. He complained – loudly – every time I asked him to attend anything, Cordie. He didn’t need a wife and I should mind my own affairs. If I had a farthing for every time he—”
“Brendan never had any intention of marrying again.” Lady Clayworth’s voice. “What men intend for themselves and what they actually end up doing—”
“I watched Clayworth chase you. What do you mean he never had any intention of marrying again?”
A sigh filtered out into the corridor. “His marriage to Marina was far from a happy one, Phoeb. After he was widowed, he thought to avoid such an entanglement ever again.”
“Until he met you.”
“Something like that,” Lady Clayworth said enigmatically. “In any event, I imagine the same is true for Gregory. He was quite set in his ways until Lady Arabella breezed into his life. But that smile he wore last night, the way he looks at her…well, I have every bit of confidence that they will enjoy a long and happy life together.”
Oh, Bella’s heart twisted in her chest, part of her wishing more than a bit that Lady Clayworth’s words were true, that the smile on Greg’s lips really did mean something. She’d stayed awake for hours the night before, reliving his kiss every time she closed her eyes. It was a miracle she got any sleep at all.
“I hope you’re right, and I do feel badly for the lady considering the scene her brother caused last night. I can’t imagine Matthew ever doing anything remotely like that. ”
“Olivia’s ball will certainly be the talk all of today.”
Though not for the best of reasons. Goodness. What was to be done about Elliott? Bella still didn’t have a solution for that particular problem.
A maid started down the corridor, and Bella’s heart lodged in her throat. The last thing she wanted to be caught doing was eavesdropping on Lady Clayworth’s conversation. So she cleared her throat and stepped into the parlor. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”
“Oh, heavens no!” Cordie Clayworth assured her from her chair, smiling brightly. “Actually, Phoebe and I were just talking about your betrothal. So please come and join us.”