Page 111 of Incendiary in a Kilt

She wriggles. "You can let me go now."

Why haven't I released her yet? I take a step backward, no longer hugging the lass to my body. I point over my shoulder. "Follow the game trail until you reach the hollowed-out tree. Then turn east—"

"I don't know which way is east. Can't you take me where I need to go?"

"Which is where?"

"The campground."

I know of only one campground within twenty miles of this place. She expects me to escort her there? "It's too far to walk."

"Don't you have a car?"

"The transmission is shot. I'm waiting for a friend to bring me a new one."

Her brows crinkle. "You're way out here alone with no car? What about a phone? Can you take me to one of those?"

"The only phone anywhere nearby is at my house."

"Okay. Please take me there so I can call someone to pick me up."

Strangers coming to my home? I donnae like that at all. But I can't leave the lass to fend for herself when she clearly knows nothing about wilderness survival. City folk love the idea of the outdoors, but they donnae bother to find out what it's like before they kayak down a mountain river.

A growl rumbles in my throat. "Come with me. But you will wait outside after you make your call."

"Where are you from? You sound Irish or something."

Irish or something? I can't stop my hands from fisting. "I am Scottish, not Irish. Now haud yer wheesht and follow me."

"Um, what does that mean? Hide my wish?"

"Haud her wheesht. It means—Never mind. Just be quiet."

Escorting this woman to my home will require following trails that don't take the most direct route. That means the hike will take longer. Then who knows how long it will be before someone arrives to pick her up.

"Do you live out here alone?" she asks.

"Stop talking."

The lass hustles to catch up to me, and now that we walk side by side, I accidentally notice she's not wearing a wedding ring. Not that I care.

Butbod an Donais, I'd love to shag her. I've gone too long without a woman.

"Where exactly are we?" she asks. "I mean, I know what river that was. But the mountains must have a name too. Are there grizzly bears here? Maybe that's only in Alaska. No, wait, that's Kodiak bears. Right? Probably are grizzlies in Wyoming."

Bloody hell, she's a talker. So much for my solitude.